Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stay safe my family and friends up North!

First off the bat, to all my family and friends up North; Be safe! I understand that the weather is pretty stormy and that some of you may be getting a lot of snow! I hope and pray that you will stay warm! I do not miss the snow too much, at least the shoveling part. I haven't had much of an opportunity to miss the cold, as the south has been having a rare winter I'm told! last night it was in the 20's, so yes we are a bit chilly!
This morning we woke up to the inevitable, no water! We had budgeted our money very carefully and decided food and gas for the truck were far more important than anything. We just couldn't stretch it to cover the water deposit. We are not worried or upset. We had prepared a whole bunch of jugs and layed them aside for this reason. As soon as Shawn's disability comes in it will be paid and turned on! Today is one of the dates he was given as to when he could receive his check. We are prayerful!
This evening we have the opportunity to attend our first church dinner here and the girl's will each be seeing into study groups for their own age groups. They seem pretty excited to go. Not only does this get them involved in church, it will also allow them to meet some people in their age group. I too am looking forward to finding a bible study tonight. Not sure if Shawn will be going with us. When he is stressed he tends to withdraw a little. I understand it and know that when things are better he will be active in things again!
Again everyone up North, stay safe!

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