Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

In the Mean Time

Before we moved here, we sold just about everything we owned! Every bit of furniture, all the dishes, you name it. Once we got here and the situation was what it was, we  pawned items we had kept. These were things that were be held on to for mostly sentimental reasons or other personal reasons. But when things get tight you do what you have to! I have pawned most of my jewelry (including my wedding set!), Shawn had to pawn his TV and sell his surround system, there has been various jewelry pieces and my camera! When Kate Lynn graduated from High school I had given her the 1st ring Shawn gave me! Today we had no food in the house, and when I tell you no food I mean NONE! Today Kate Lynn took that ring and pawned it. With the money she received we were able to buy some groceries. It rips my heart out! We know in time it will be better! It is just in the mean time! I try so hard to hang tight to my faith and to pray all the time and with all of my heart. God has a lesson here for us, it has been quite a hard one! I can not wait for the day when I understand completely what that plan is! It may have to wait until I am old and gray and my time here is up. Only when I am home with Him, maybe then will I see it and understand it best! In the mean time....
In the mean time we humbly submit to God, In the mean time we make sacrifices that hurt a lot, In the mean time we hold each other up and stay strong as we can as a family, In the mean time we pray and wait, In the mean time...

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