Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Posting as Able

I will post as I am able! I hope that everyone had a good weekend! Exspecially all the dads! It was a good weekend here! We have plenty of projects to keep us busy and there is always a walk to be had! Shawn had a good day yesterday, it was a very relaxed day. We are waiting to hear from Job Corp this week, at least our understanding is that Kelly should be hearing this week when she will be leaving. I am very excited to see both girls get into school! Shawn and I recieved great news this past week...our older neice and her husband had their new baby, well my neice did most of the work! Little baby Eva Rose was born on june 15th. We could not be more happy for Jackie and Shaun! This morning we are enjoying some coffee before we get serious about working on the dining room! I hope you alll have a great Monday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sorry for the 3 Day Delay!

We have had very poor Internet service the past couple of days. I will let you know that we had a couple very laid back days. Besides a whole lot of sitting around and trying to stay cool, not much else has been going on! Today was a bit better! Shawn finally received the check for refinishing our landlord's dressers. Because he was given a check we had to set out to find a way to cash it, with out having a car. We also had some heavy thunder storms! With no ride available, Shawn and I walked to the nearest check cashing place and had it cashed, all the while we dripped all over their floors! We went home and put on dry clothes, only to head back out with Kelly, to Walmart. We had no choice to go, the pets all needed food! Tomorrow the plan is to tackle the dining room.We may have company over on Sunday and would like the house to be as presentable as possible. Shawn finally has no other work lined up, so now some of our house projects can be completed. So much of the supplies and paints were bought back when we received our taxes, there just has been no time to anything. Not really complaining though! The monies Shawn makes from the odd jobs is always a help and most appreciated! So as you can see things are pretty much same old, same old! I hope all of you have a great weekend! And all you dad have a super Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We have had people over off and on all day, just to visit or to chat with Shawn about what ever project he is working on. The dressers are complete, the second coat of all of Kelly's bedroom trim is done and the coffee table has a new clear coat! A busy day! I spoke with Kate Lynn and she is all enrolled in Job Corp in New England. She still has the 2cnd interview and then it looks like she will be heading off to Limestone, Maine. She should be there around the same time Kelly is off to Kentucky. I am so very proud of my girls! Tonight Shawn, Kelly and I are sitting on the porch, listening to the crickets! (oh yeah, there is Izzy too!) A good day! God is good too us! I hope you all have a good night!

Sorry for the Delay

I have not been online for a couple days here. The Internet has been pretty lousy and I have also been sick. I am feeling much better today, after a good night sleep. Shawn and I have been for a walk this morning. We are all hanging out for a bit enjoying the AC. In a little while Shawn will be doing some finishing sanding on our landlord's  dressers and putting a 3rd coat of clear coat on them. Our landlord came by and looked at the dressers and really seemed to love them a whole lot. He just wanted them to be a bit smoother, easy enough! We are waiting for his handyman to drop off  another can of clear coat and paintbrush. He will be also sending over a check for the work we have one. We are curious to see what he thinks the work was worth. That is our big plans for the day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

You have to be Kidding!

You have to be kidding!The 3 of us all had a stomach bug for a week and I thought we were allover it! Last night I slept very badly and was sick to my stomach! Good grief, I hope it was just a fluke!! I am so tired of being nauseous!! Today Shawn has a couple odd jobs to do and we are waiting to see when and if our landlord shows up for the dressers. I am hoping maybe I will get a nap in later. Kelly needs to follow up with the progress of things with Job Corp today. Other than  that it should be a laid back Monday! I hope you all have a good day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Under a Tree

A very hot and humid Sunday! And another day with nothing too do! I feel pretty terrible for Kelly, she was invited to a birthday party, but was not given a date. I guess it was last night and she missed it! She was pretty upset! I do not blame her, we had bought her a new swim suite at the beginning of this month so that she could go! Well at least she has a nice new swim suite! Shawn is off at a neighbors repairing a broken window and installing some security doors and locks. She had someone break in the other night and steal her TV! So he is making sure it does not happen again. This will also give him some ciggy money! Kelly and I are just hanging out under a tree, enjoying the shade and watching the dog chew up a stick! I hope you all having a great day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


This is my first post of the day, due to low Internet service! I wish I could tell you that I will be filling the post with tales of a busy and exciting day, no! It has been a very lazy and boring day! I am pleased that it is nearing dinner time so that I will have something to do with myself! Kelly has found amusement with my cell =hone. She is playing some game on there, where she is supposed to not kill the chicken. I have no idea! I do know she is sitting beside me giggling like a fool! Shawn is in the house napping away a ciggy craving! I hope all of you are having a better Saturday than we are!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Not a Mood Improver

Most certianly not a mood improver, Shawn had the dressers all finished by noon and our landlord never showed up for them! What made it all the more aggrivating was that he told Shawn he wanted them for this weekend! While we were out in the yard finishing the dressers, Austin's mom showed up. (Austin is the young man who thought it would be funny not to allow Kelly to come home last Friday!) His mom started this sob story about Austin was suicidal. I quickly informed her she was in the wrong yard trying to sell responsibility like that! It was made quite clear to her, that the decisions we have made since last Friday are NOT open for discussion and that he is not welcome here! That the relationship he and Kelly had is over and that he is not allowed to come speak to Kelly, period. I also informed her that Shawn and I found it pretty terrible that at no time has there even been an apology! We are not expecting one! Now I just pray that this young man has the sense enough to stay away! For the rest of the afternoon it has been relatively lazy and a little boring. Shawn and I took a couple strolls, however they were more like trolls! Shawn is out of ciggies and he was hitting up anyone he could for one. Do not think he was alone in this, there were plenty of other folks asking him if he had any! He took a nap and seems to be in a better mood. I may even not say a thing to him for doing one of my word puzzles! I think I may go walk the dog!

The Grumpies

Warm and muggy! I am also spending the morning with the "grumpies"! Not me, I'm in a good mood! Kelly and Shawn woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Shawn is finishing up the dressers for our landlord. It will be nice to have them out of the  house! It will be even nicer to be able to focus on some of our own projects! So I am off to try and cheer up my family and try to avoid the fumes of the clear coat! It is aweful!! I hope you all have a gret, great weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well it has been anything but lazy for Shawn and I today!I cleaned the house and Shawn worked on sanding the last dresser. After dinner I helped him stain one dresser and he stained the mirror. There is still one dresser to stain and all of it has to be clear coated...tomorrow! Right now I think a cool shower is in order! Kelly is still in her PJ's! She has been on the PC all day and listening to music, the life of a teenager! At least it will be easy for her to get ready for bed! I am going to convince her to brush her teeth! Hope you all had a good day and have a good night!

Summer Lazy

I slept very well! truly did not want to get my butt out of bed! Out of bed it is though! Shawn and I are drinking coffee on the porch, I enjoyed one of the muffins Kelly and I made. Not a whole lot of anything going on today! I suppose that can be good!  Shawn still has the dressers to refinish today, that is the first and foremost priority, so I may help him with that. I have to see how we can get Kelly motivated! Typical 17 year old on summer vacation, lazy! But she can only enjoy it for about a month and then her vacation is over! I hope you are all enjoying the start of your summers and have great day today!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It has been a good day! I enjoyed a morning walk to myself! Then Shawn spent the day sanding furniture, while I weeded and tended to the front lawn! The young man next door mowed our lawn for free and it looks amazing! Kelly and I walked the dog, played Rummy and baked some homemade muffins! I also received good news, my mom is home and doing well. They are saying that she had calcium toxicity and that is why she was all confused and unstable. She sounds better and is glad to be home. I thank all of you who prayed for her!Kelly and I are hanging out on the porch and Shawn has gone over to help a neighbor with some car repair. It is nice! Well, minus the fact Kelly keeps reading me stuff from the magazine I have told her I read all ready! Now if we all get a good night sleep, I will be able to say it has been a very good day! I can not wait to have tomorrow's coffee with one of these yummy French Breakfast Puff muffins! Yummy!

Snagging Quiet Time

I am snagging a few quiet minutes to myself before Shawn and Kelly get up! I have all ready fed the fury little family members and I have a pot of coffee brewing! Maybe I will grab my coffee and take a stroll. I believe Shawn is going to be working on refinishing some dressers today, so I may try to help out with that. Not too much else planned for the day. I am going to call my mom later and see how things are going there, she is still in the hospital. I hope the Doctors can give her and my dad some better answers as too what is going on. Things have been pretty vague, unless my folks are not telling me everything. That is always a real possibility! Well I believe my coffee is ready, I am off to make a cup! Hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good Neighbors!

We had started on  our way to the bus stop when a neighbor stopped us and offered to loan us his van. It worked out quite well, as we were able to go the clinic for me and run some other Small errands. I have to tell you, though the free clinic is great... the 3 hour process is not! 2 and half of it was just the paperwork of it! It is done and I have my prescription refill and a new Doctor.  Shawn, Kelly and I returned home pretty hungry, as we missed lunch. So now that I have eaten too big and too heavy a dinner, I do not feel all that good! Tonight would have been a good sandwich and salad night, not a pork stir fry and cheesy potato night! I must say over all we are most fortunate to have such generous neighbors! We truly appreciated them allowing us to borrow their van! In a little while I am off to walk the dog and maybe see if this dinner will settle some!

Prayers for my Mom

I received a call late last night from my dad, my mom is in the hospital. She has been quite sick for weeks now and pretty confused. They are looking into all sorts of things, including dementia. She is only in her late 50's, so still pretty young. Unfortunately she has always had some sort of health issues and not always taken the best care of herself. I suspect it maybe a long road, ex specially for my dad. I am glad they are being thorough with the testing and hopefully we will receive some concrete results very soon! Please, Keep her in your prayers! (Sharon) Thank You! Not sure what is on the agenda for today. I guess we will fly by the seat of our pants! I hope you all have a good day!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Farewell Fleas !

Like people possessed we attacked the house; inside and out! First spraying chemicals under the house! Then Shawn and I dipped the cats and dog, shoved the cats in the shed, leashed the dog out front. Then in the house we went and set of 6 bombs. After setting off the bombs we went outside and sprinkled insecticide all over the lawn and watered it according to the directions! After the bombing was complete we aired out the house and then cleaned it top to bottom. To wash the floors we used flea shampoo! We realized the dip did not work on the dog, it did on the cats. So the poor dog was shampooed and then shaved, she looks very cute! I think we killed all the little suckers! It was such a busy day, I never made it to the clinic for my prescription refills, there is tomorrow. Of course I still have to figure out the proper routes! Fun, Fun! Tonight we are finally relaxing! I feel good knowing my furry little family members will be healthier now! The heat down here makes the problems worse, but if we have taken care  of it, like we think, then maintaining it will be fairly easy! Well, I am getting over heated, so it is time to go inside! I hope you all had a good day! Sleep well!

Prayers for Mike

Not a bad start to the morning! First off we all slept well and a little late! We were all in need of it! Shawn and I are drinking coffee on the porch while it is still fairly comfortable out!  We are discussing our battle against the fleas! I hope you all have a good Monday! I have a prayer request; my friend Kristina's husband had a heart attack yesterday while playing softball. He is in CCU today. They have kids that are around my girl's ages. My prayers are with this family! And ex specially for Mike!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Flea Dipping

Shawn,Kelly and I walked down to Walmart this evening to shop for some very much needed things. Such as a hose, tshirts and a mop! We came home after a very enjoyable time of just hanging out! I miss my Kate Lynn though! Shawn and Kelly have been inside watching a horror movie, while I watered the lawn and washed some dishes...hmm! I think we are starting to settle into there being just the 3 of us, and then Shawn and I will have to adjust again in a month for 2 of us! Tonight is a good night, despite the heat! Our big plans to start the week is a do it your self flea dipping of both cats and the dog! I know, yippee! Tomorrow or Tuesday Shawn and I are going to try out the bus system, I have to get to a clinic for some prescription refills. I pray it goes well! That is all going here, thankfully! I hope you all had a great weekend!


It was the most lovely feeling this morning, we woke up freezing after sleeping well last night!Someone gave us a second air conditioner, that we placed in our bedroom. Between the 2 Ac's the house is quite cool! We were all so exhausted from the other night I think we all slept like logs! The anxiety in the house this morning is pretty nil.Shawn and I went for a short walk this morning that was quite enjoyable! Not sure what the plans are for today, I do pray things stay good! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Walking and Rummy

Kelly and Shawn are napping, I probably should be doing the same but am not sure I could. To work off some of our anxiety the 3 of us went for a long walk. We found a cool little yard sale and scoped things out. Nothing beats a single guys yard sale sometimes. His Grandmother gave him a bunch of brand new kitchen stuff and he never used it. I scooped up a brand new, in the box salad shooter for just a couple bucks! We came home and puttered around the house and Kelly and I played Rummy. It would seem lately if I am not walking I am playing Rummy! Though Rummy inside a nice air conditioned house often beats the walk! I am praying that over the next few days things will settle down! Shawn and I want to go see if we can speak to a few of the kids at the house with Kelly and see what they have to say about the whole thing, before we sign a warrant on this young man! We  will see what happens! Oh Boy! I pray you are all having a good weekend!

Terrifying Night

Shawn and I discovered a whole new level of fear! At 11pm Kelly was not home and we were a bit disappointed, by 12am we were mad, by 1am we were looking for her and I mean literally walking up and down the street she was supposed to  be on, scouring the neighborhood and area ( we walked miles!) , by 2:30am police were called and a report was done, at 3 something (I lost track after a melt down) we realized our neighbors across the street were on their porch and we went and asked for a ride to Kelly's boyfriend's mom's house. Theses poor and wonderful neighbors were; a-drunk beyond belief, b-spoke very little English, c- most graciously willing to help! The impaired driver got me safely to the house, where I proceeded to wake up his mom and dad at a very insane hour of the morning.After his mom knew I was beyond upset and she was going to help like it or not, she drove me to the house were her son held Kelly by fear! I had to pound on the door and threaten to take out a window. When I tell you, I made it abundantly clear to Austin and her family that there would be issues for him if he ever even looks at my daughter! Kelly came home with me and we arrived home, very exhausted and beyond anxious! It was by far one of the worst things we have ever been through. And after leaving Kate Lynn at the airport to move back to New England, my nerves were pretty frazzled any how! I tell you what, hug your kids hard today!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kate Lynn is in New England

It is a quiet evening! Shawn and I had pizza delivered from Domino's, a real treat! It was just the 2 of us! Kelly is at friend's this evening! Kate Lynn has arrived safely in New England! She said the flight was uneventful and fine, though she was very glad to be on the ground! I am relieved to know that it went well and that she is safe and sound! I guess tonight is a practice night of things to come! I had better get used to the quiet! All though Shawn has been quite chatty tonight! I am only having small amounts of anxiety this evening. I think knowing she is safe and sound, and that she is where she wants to be, helps! She really was in for a treat when she arrived, she left here where it was 120 with the heat index, to there where it was just in the 60's! It has been in the high 70's here at night and in Hooksette, NH they have a frost advisory for tonight! Welcome Home Kate Lynn! I thank you all for your prayers! And I hope you all have a good weekend!

It's All Nerves

We are all up early this morning. I believe Kate Lynn has paced the floors a dozen times all ready! I had a tough time falling asleep last night, I did get some decent sleep finally. This morning I am all nerves! I know once I am assured she has arrived at my sister's in Hooksette this evening will I be able to relax some! Please, pray like crazy for us today!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kate Lynn had a Monkey on her Back

We just enjoyed our dinner, Kate Lynn's favorite pasta dish! Then we had chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! It is a little hard to believe that she will be setting out on her own tomorrow! Where has the time gone? I am still not sure that it has sunk in for her, tomorrow that will be a different story! Kelly definitely gets it though, as she has had us play every single game that we own, every night this week! Funny story; we decided to take a family stroll earlier today, when a pit bull and another dog came barking at us. Due to Kate Lynn's attack by a dog, she became quite hysterical and began crying. I turned to shoo the dogs off, when I looked to check on the girls, I found Kelly had wrapped herself around Kate Lynn like a little monkey and she was yelling her fool head off "it's OK, Kate Lynn" over and over! After Kate Lynn settled down, we had a pretty good chuckle over that! Kelly nearly broke Kate Lynn's back and deafened her in one ear, all in order to protect her! OK, I guess they do love each other! Please keep Kate Lynn's flight in your prayers and that the person that has promised transportation to the airport will be here nice and early! Thank You!

Coffee and Cottage Cheese

OK, I have learned a very valuable lesson...ALWAYS check the milk before you pour it into your coffee! I had 2 cups of coffee with cottage cheese style milk before I went to bed! Yep, that makes for a long night and rough morning. I am feeling a bit better now, thank goodness

Low Key

I have felt better! I can not even get out of my own way this morning! It is going to be a very low key day today! Shawn is fiddling around and trying to fix a saw,the girls and I are just loafing. I may need to get a nap in before I am able to do a whole hack of a lot! I am completely wiped and my stomach just doesn't want to entertain the idea of letting me put something in it! Peppermint tea has been helping some. I wanted to make Kate Lynn a red velvet cake for her special dessert tonight, as it stands I will be lucky to make her, her special dinner! Good grief, talk about timing!

2:11 AM Tummy Woes

It is 2:11 AM and I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I am up only because I have such an upset stomache, it is keeping me wide awake! I have just tried something to help with some of the problematic symptoms and am sitting here waiting for my peppermint tea to steep! I thought earlier my tummy troubles were do to either the heat or to anxiety, both have been causing tummy upset! Kelly also brought home a bug last week that she shared with Shawn and I! There has been little rest for the weary in this house, but plenty of tummy woes! Kate Lynn has mercifully been spared! I am praying it will stay that way so she will be healthy for her flight on Friday! ( I guess that is tomorrow now!) The very good news is our new ac works very well and the house has cooled off significantly! I suspect by tomorrow this time it will be the perfect temperature! Though I hope tomorrow at this time I am sound a sleep! I realize none of you really want to hear me discuss mine or anyone else's tummy woes any further. Please, be in prayer for our health, exspecially for Kate Lynn's over the next day or so! Also for anyone that has been trying to reach me by my yahoo email, please know I have had a problem with my account. They have been working on helping me get it fixed the past 2 days,I am hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow the latest (I actually think I mean much later on today!). I hope you are all well and healthy! My prayers are with you as well!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kate Lynn's Countdown

Thank the Lord, we have AC! Now for the house to cool down! I can not believe how stink'n hot it is! We are planning how to spend tomorrow with Kate Lynn, it being her last day with us! I have her dinner all ready planned out! We packed almost all of her things all ready. I am not sure if it has even clicked with her that she is moving out! We will see how tomorrow and Friday morning goes!

Trying To Stay Cool

The heat and humidity just keep getting worse each day! Still no ac this morning! Very late last night the girls and I were out in the sprinkler! We had all gone to bed, but with the heat, sleeping comes in fits! Other than trying all we can stay cool, we have no plans today!