Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I thought I was feeling better until around 9pm! Now it is 11:15pm and I am up, feeling almost as punk as I did yesterday! Not quite as bad, but lousy enough! I pray that if it is just a virus, tomorrow will show much improvement! I have to go to the walk in clinic for a check up as it stands, so I am trying to just deal with it. But in truth I have had enough and I am tired! I want to be in bed sleeping, not spending another night on the couch, dozing when I'm able! The only good thing is, the pain in my stomach is not as bad as it was yesterday!  But who enjoys being queasy...? OK, I believe I will end my complaining and whining here and go drinks some water and maybe consider, yet another Tums!

A July Prayer Request

As I mentioned in my last posting, things are going well! However, my health has been an ongoing issue. I have been sick far more than I ever have!I have been to the emergancy room and differant clinics. I have struggled with neck, shoulder and skull pain as well some pretty difficult stomach issues. I have  had much testing. We are begining to think our little house may be causing some of these issues! Please, keep this in your prayers! I pray you are all well!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A July Posting !

It is July 10th. It has been weeks since I last posted something here. Things have been incredibly busy! Mostly good! We have been working on the house, Shawn has been refinishing more furniture for other folks and there had been other odd and end odd jobs. Add that to all the usual running the house and family stuff and you can see things have been busy! Over all things have been quite good. I have had some trouble with neck and back pain. I went to the emergency room and it looks like I either pinched a nerve or have a bulging disc. I have to follow up with a MRI. The heat and all the work Shawn has been doing caused him to get a little sick the other day. We both realize that sometimes we have to just stop and have some down time! Yesterday he worked on a rocking chair and I refinished a kitchen cabinet and installed drivers and a printer for neighbor. But around dinner we stopped, Kelly and I played Rummy, we all played in the rain with the dog and then we watched a great  Christian comedian. Things are going well here. God provides and I can not really find much to complain about. Even with the constant pain, I am managing. Kelly received a call from the Kentucky Job Corp office and she has to call and speak to the guidance counselor on Monday. We are hoping that they will be giving her her departure date. She is excited and anxious! Kate Lynn has signed all up for the Job Corp in Lorring, she too is waiting to receive her departure date. So as you can see things really are good! God has a plan for us here, I truly believe that.It truly feels like home! There will always be things that I will misss about living in New England, but that is what visiting is for!  I apologize for not posting sooner, I will try to keep up with things better! I pray that you are all doing well!