Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Prayers for the Cold!

I think we all slept well last night! Maybe too well, can't seem to find my motivation this morning! I guess that is pretty typical for a Monday! I spoke with my sister this morning, she wanted to give me the forecast for New Hampshire today. apparently its is between -10 and -25 below zero, depending where you are! Oh Joy! They are also looking at an additional storm on Wednesday, that will be the fourth in just two weeks! I think we chose the best winter to relocate down here! It has been cold here, but nothing like that! I can tell you with absolute certainty that I do not miss all that snow and that kind of cold! I worry for anyone who has no shelter in weather like that! I know many major New Hampshire cities offer additional shelters. The smaller towns do not, and that is always worrisome. You hear too many time about someone freezing to death! I think about the Pastor in Ohio and the homeless kids he is meeting and trying to bring awareness to. I pray that they are all safe! There were a couple of them living in a tent and another in a homemade shelter of some sort. Not the type of "housing" that will keep you safe and warm! I just pray with all my heart for anyone homeless and living on the streets in this weather, I hope you will all take a minute to do the same!
For all my friends and family in New England; Stay warm! Pray that your cars will all start! And for all of you tradesmen that work outdoors, bundle up, go inside when you need to, be safe!
Still no plans for today! Can not actually complain though, we stayed nice and busy this weekend. Shawn may go look at the septic and see if there is anything else that can be done to make it even better?! Please, keep in your prayers that Shawn's disability will be in this week! We were told that it was being processed and could take 10 to 14 days after to receive his first check. That brought the earliest date to receive the check this Wednesday or Friday! Keeping it in prayer and maintaining our strength! It is all in God's perfect timing!

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