Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Putting Down Roots!

We spent the day out! Finally were able to register the car and now we have the official Alabama license plates! We had to put some insurance on the car. Probably a very good idea here in Montgomery. However, it is certianly an added expense. We never carried insurance in New Hampshire.! I can hear the groaning! We purchased some paint for the bedrooms and some lights. It is funny the things we have always taken for granted and haven't had and truly missed. Like a colander! We have a new one of those too today! It turned out to be a very nice day, a chilly breeze, but a bright and warm sun! We are all very, very tired! We need to get all the rest we can tonight, painting to do this weekend! Looking forward to these grungy walls looking fresh and clean! The one other thing we did today that has just made my whole month, we got my camera out of pawn! Now I will be able to take some photos of were we have started over and of course of our new puppy. If I am lucky maybe I will even convince my family to allow me to take a family photo! It is feeling like we are putting our roots down more and more everyday!

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