Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A little bit of history

Just for those of you who do not know us as well as others, here is a little bit of background on our family.
Shawn and I met at work in a Nursing home in Haverhill,MA. We were married July1,1990 and Kate Lynn was born Aprl14,1991. Shawn and I both had great jobs and nice homes, we rented but they were nice. In 1994 Shawn's job with the city of Haverhill had lay offs and Shawn lost his job. In February of that Kelly joined our family, on the 2cnd to be precise! Now Shawn had some anger issues and there were signs of anxiety and paranoia, however up to that point we were a young family, with lots of new changes. Nothing rang out to us that there was anything to worry about. Shawn, along with others struggled to find work, he worked all sorts of jobs. Eventually he worked with his dad in the construction business, something Shawn had done before. His behavior continued to be a struggle and we both went to various therapists and Doctors. I did not have a very good up bringing so I used the therapy to teach me better parenting skills and how to be a better loving wife. For all I knew then, maybe my own baggage was creating these issues! (Boy have I learned ALOT!) In 1997 or so we bought our first home! I had a fantastic job as a phlebotomist and Shawn continued to work with his dad in construction. However, things were really spiraling out of control for Shawn. After a few years and some issues with our mortgage company we sold our home. We moved into a rental apartment in the home Shawn's folks and brother owned.In 2001 things were really going down hill quickly in the construction business and Shawn's family needed to sell their home. Facing another move we looked to North Conway, NH. Deciding it would be a great place to raise the girls, I had family there and it made the most sense. On September 11, 2001 we grieved with the rest of our Nation! That September we made our way up North, not to North Conway. God had put barriers there! No we landed in North Woodstock, NH. Shawn and I found jobs quickly and we had a fairly nice rental home. But the stress of the past year or so had come to pay a visit in a very big way! In May of 2002 Shawn was admitted for the first time to  the hospital, for suicidal ideation Without any question, had he not agreed to go, with a whole alot of encouragement from me, he would NOT be here today. Things in North Woodstock were far from ideal and I felt in my heart that if he came back there that he would not ever be well! So while he was in the hospital I made the decision to pack up and move...where? Who knew! We had no place to go. I figured if we went to a campground and"camped out" for a little bit things would fall into place! I had no idea just how wrong I would be or how long that camping experience would last! For 8 months we had no place to call home, for 5 of those months we were in tents. Let me tell you something, there is no fun camping in October in new Hampshire! For another couple months it was by the grace of relatives and then then the last month in the worst kind of hotel you can imagine! By December 2002, we landed on our feet, just barely, in Intervale, NH a suburb of North Conway, NH. Shawn was on disability by this time and I was working seasonal jobs. It was an OK place, but it was ours. By September 2003 I had a very good job and things were looking up. It would seem nothing lasts forever!     To be continued!

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