Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Faith and Foolishness!

Today it really became apparent to me that many people do not understand the meaning of faith! Faith is trusting in something that you can not see! You can not see what the outcome is, you sometimes do not even understand the process. God wants us to trust him completely, to have complete FAITH in Him and His plan for us! YES He can and YES He will make changes for those who have faith! Also, there are some who think that we are claiming faith as an excuse for our being here in Alabama. I think these people think we are acting foolishly and irresponsibly. I am not asking for anyone to completely understand our choice to be here. I do not even expect everyone to completely support us! I do hope that everyone will understand that the things we ARE doing, every action, every decision we make ,comes after much discussion and prayer! That as a family unit we are all together in our decision to be here. NO it has not been easy, actually in honesty it has been harder than we expected! I also hope that everyone understands that we have NOT run away from anything! We have gone in search of finding a better way of life for our family! It may not work for most people, we are ,I guess ,not most people! Who am I to suggest that this kind of move would work for everyone, please do not tell us that this will not work for us. Let us give it a try first! We are acting in our faith! I suppose for many that we seem quite foolish! I ask why? I hear often from others that they are frustrated with the way things are going in their lives. As people we tend to continue to go at it and at it over and over again. We become consumed! Why can we not make big and drastic changes in our lives? Why are we considered foolish in taking such a drastic step to try and improve our lives? But, we are not considered foolish to consume ourselves over and over with things that are clearly not working and even may causing much grief in our lives? Today we looked at a house, we all left there saying that the house felt like home. I have faith that if God can move mountains that He certianly can make it happen for us to get that house! I know that it will NOT happen  the way I want it too or the way I expect it too. I also know that often God wants us to try very hard to be proactive in our lives. I have to work at making things happen too! That is what we are doing or at the very least trying very hard to do! Today Shawn, the girls and I discussed our options. We decided as a family to pawn our t.v. in an attempt to raise the monies we needed to move into the extended stay Inn we looked at. We fell short by $112, God still has a plan and I still have faith in it! Shawn's Aunt and Uncle are letting us stay here another night or  two, so I have to ask myself (we ask each other) what can we do for ourselves to find that money? Because if we could stay at that Inn for a week, that week allows us more time to find ways to become more financial stable and becoming more stable moves us one more step closer into moving into a house! And while people will be nay sayers about our choices, I challenge them! When they are complaining that their life is not going well and things are not they way they want them, how can they change them? Really change them? We are homeless at Christmas time! Our choices have gotten us here, our faith will get us to where we are supposed to be! One last thought! It is Christmas time, I repeat it is Christmas time! The season of celebrating the birth of Lord and Saviour! In my faith and obedience I celebrate Him! When you want to judge us, I have to ask what are you celebrating this Christmas?!

1 comment:

  1. I don't question what you and the family are doing. I think it is great that your family TOGETHER made a decision to attempt to improve your lives together. I just hope and PRAY that things will start to come together for the four of you and that GOD will keep hims arms around all of you through this next chapter in your lives. Love and miss you guys and may GOD be with you!

