Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Proverbial Straw

Shawn and I did not sleep all too well! At midnight the two of us were up eating popcorn and snacks while watching a movie. I suppose on any other Saturday night that would sound like a date, last night it was just nerves! I am the only one up in the house right now, I am making coffee and trying to come up with a game plan! There is now even more than ever to do in the house! It will get done, that I am sure, though maybe a little more grudgingly than usual. It would seem one monkey wrench after another has been thrown our way of late. Yesterday was probably that proverbial straw! Despite the lack of sleep and the enormous amount of cleaning, reorganizing and general other stuff, I am ready to get it done and out of the way! Right Now I am off to bring the dog in, as she has decided to start barking, and go drink a gallon of coffee!! I hope you all have a great Saturday!

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