Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Shawn woke up from his nap wanting to take a walk, so we did. After we stopped home we considered continue walking, however after just going a block we turned around. I am afraid to do too much walking, not enough calories to put into any of us to keep up with all the walking. Today is a little tough! None of us can wait until tomorrow so that we can put some food into this house. For all of you that do not have to consider where your next meal, snack or drink is coming from (and for drinks, I mean coffee, soda, juice!), consider yourself blessed. Because that is truly a blessing from God! I came home from our failed walk feeling a little lousy, Kate Lynn and I finished the last can of soup in the house.I think my sugar was a little low, I feel better just eating the little bit I did. I am trying to figure out what to feed Shawn and am Praying Kelly eats while she is out with her boyfriend and his family. Terrible thing was I was hoping that she would break it off with him, Shawn and I  find him rude and disrespectful, now I am hoping she will eat first! Good grief! That are the woes here. Tomorow will be better as the foodstamps will be in, and I will be up in time for the doors to opened at the nearest grocery store!

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