Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nervous Energy and Brownies

Kelly has been baking homemade brownies all morning! She then decided to take it upon herself to walk clear across town to pick up some groceries that we needed. I do not know what got her so motivated this morning!! Tomorrow is her day of orientation for Job Corp, maybe this is some nervous energy! It is another day of no plans for the rest  of us. Some reading on the porch and a walk later on. The little kids from across the street have been in and out of our house all morning. They are cute, however we need a screen door that locks! I have found if I send them home with ice cream that keeps them settled for a little while! This morning they took off with our deck of cards to play some "Go Fish". They were gone for almost a full hour before returning.
I found this verse and found it so pertinent to what is going all over the place; Job 36:15 But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering. He speaks to them in their affliction.

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