Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I thought I was feeling better until around 9pm! Now it is 11:15pm and I am up, feeling almost as punk as I did yesterday! Not quite as bad, but lousy enough! I pray that if it is just a virus, tomorrow will show much improvement! I have to go to the walk in clinic for a check up as it stands, so I am trying to just deal with it. But in truth I have had enough and I am tired! I want to be in bed sleeping, not spending another night on the couch, dozing when I'm able! The only good thing is, the pain in my stomach is not as bad as it was yesterday!  But who enjoys being queasy...? OK, I believe I will end my complaining and whining here and go drinks some water and maybe consider, yet another Tums!

A July Prayer Request

As I mentioned in my last posting, things are going well! However, my health has been an ongoing issue. I have been sick far more than I ever have!I have been to the emergancy room and differant clinics. I have struggled with neck, shoulder and skull pain as well some pretty difficult stomach issues. I have  had much testing. We are begining to think our little house may be causing some of these issues! Please, keep this in your prayers! I pray you are all well!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A July Posting !

It is July 10th. It has been weeks since I last posted something here. Things have been incredibly busy! Mostly good! We have been working on the house, Shawn has been refinishing more furniture for other folks and there had been other odd and end odd jobs. Add that to all the usual running the house and family stuff and you can see things have been busy! Over all things have been quite good. I have had some trouble with neck and back pain. I went to the emergency room and it looks like I either pinched a nerve or have a bulging disc. I have to follow up with a MRI. The heat and all the work Shawn has been doing caused him to get a little sick the other day. We both realize that sometimes we have to just stop and have some down time! Yesterday he worked on a rocking chair and I refinished a kitchen cabinet and installed drivers and a printer for neighbor. But around dinner we stopped, Kelly and I played Rummy, we all played in the rain with the dog and then we watched a great  Christian comedian. Things are going well here. God provides and I can not really find much to complain about. Even with the constant pain, I am managing. Kelly received a call from the Kentucky Job Corp office and she has to call and speak to the guidance counselor on Monday. We are hoping that they will be giving her her departure date. She is excited and anxious! Kate Lynn has signed all up for the Job Corp in Lorring, she too is waiting to receive her departure date. So as you can see things really are good! God has a plan for us here, I truly believe that.It truly feels like home! There will always be things that I will misss about living in New England, but that is what visiting is for!  I apologize for not posting sooner, I will try to keep up with things better! I pray that you are all doing well!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Posting as Able

I will post as I am able! I hope that everyone had a good weekend! Exspecially all the dads! It was a good weekend here! We have plenty of projects to keep us busy and there is always a walk to be had! Shawn had a good day yesterday, it was a very relaxed day. We are waiting to hear from Job Corp this week, at least our understanding is that Kelly should be hearing this week when she will be leaving. I am very excited to see both girls get into school! Shawn and I recieved great news this past week...our older neice and her husband had their new baby, well my neice did most of the work! Little baby Eva Rose was born on june 15th. We could not be more happy for Jackie and Shaun! This morning we are enjoying some coffee before we get serious about working on the dining room! I hope you alll have a great Monday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sorry for the 3 Day Delay!

We have had very poor Internet service the past couple of days. I will let you know that we had a couple very laid back days. Besides a whole lot of sitting around and trying to stay cool, not much else has been going on! Today was a bit better! Shawn finally received the check for refinishing our landlord's dressers. Because he was given a check we had to set out to find a way to cash it, with out having a car. We also had some heavy thunder storms! With no ride available, Shawn and I walked to the nearest check cashing place and had it cashed, all the while we dripped all over their floors! We went home and put on dry clothes, only to head back out with Kelly, to Walmart. We had no choice to go, the pets all needed food! Tomorrow the plan is to tackle the dining room.We may have company over on Sunday and would like the house to be as presentable as possible. Shawn finally has no other work lined up, so now some of our house projects can be completed. So much of the supplies and paints were bought back when we received our taxes, there just has been no time to anything. Not really complaining though! The monies Shawn makes from the odd jobs is always a help and most appreciated! So as you can see things are pretty much same old, same old! I hope all of you have a great weekend! And all you dad have a super Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We have had people over off and on all day, just to visit or to chat with Shawn about what ever project he is working on. The dressers are complete, the second coat of all of Kelly's bedroom trim is done and the coffee table has a new clear coat! A busy day! I spoke with Kate Lynn and she is all enrolled in Job Corp in New England. She still has the 2cnd interview and then it looks like she will be heading off to Limestone, Maine. She should be there around the same time Kelly is off to Kentucky. I am so very proud of my girls! Tonight Shawn, Kelly and I are sitting on the porch, listening to the crickets! (oh yeah, there is Izzy too!) A good day! God is good too us! I hope you all have a good night!

Sorry for the Delay

I have not been online for a couple days here. The Internet has been pretty lousy and I have also been sick. I am feeling much better today, after a good night sleep. Shawn and I have been for a walk this morning. We are all hanging out for a bit enjoying the AC. In a little while Shawn will be doing some finishing sanding on our landlord's  dressers and putting a 3rd coat of clear coat on them. Our landlord came by and looked at the dressers and really seemed to love them a whole lot. He just wanted them to be a bit smoother, easy enough! We are waiting for his handyman to drop off  another can of clear coat and paintbrush. He will be also sending over a check for the work we have one. We are curious to see what he thinks the work was worth. That is our big plans for the day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

You have to be Kidding!

You have to be kidding!The 3 of us all had a stomach bug for a week and I thought we were allover it! Last night I slept very badly and was sick to my stomach! Good grief, I hope it was just a fluke!! I am so tired of being nauseous!! Today Shawn has a couple odd jobs to do and we are waiting to see when and if our landlord shows up for the dressers. I am hoping maybe I will get a nap in later. Kelly needs to follow up with the progress of things with Job Corp today. Other than  that it should be a laid back Monday! I hope you all have a good day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Under a Tree

A very hot and humid Sunday! And another day with nothing too do! I feel pretty terrible for Kelly, she was invited to a birthday party, but was not given a date. I guess it was last night and she missed it! She was pretty upset! I do not blame her, we had bought her a new swim suite at the beginning of this month so that she could go! Well at least she has a nice new swim suite! Shawn is off at a neighbors repairing a broken window and installing some security doors and locks. She had someone break in the other night and steal her TV! So he is making sure it does not happen again. This will also give him some ciggy money! Kelly and I are just hanging out under a tree, enjoying the shade and watching the dog chew up a stick! I hope you all having a great day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


This is my first post of the day, due to low Internet service! I wish I could tell you that I will be filling the post with tales of a busy and exciting day, no! It has been a very lazy and boring day! I am pleased that it is nearing dinner time so that I will have something to do with myself! Kelly has found amusement with my cell =hone. She is playing some game on there, where she is supposed to not kill the chicken. I have no idea! I do know she is sitting beside me giggling like a fool! Shawn is in the house napping away a ciggy craving! I hope all of you are having a better Saturday than we are!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Not a Mood Improver

Most certianly not a mood improver, Shawn had the dressers all finished by noon and our landlord never showed up for them! What made it all the more aggrivating was that he told Shawn he wanted them for this weekend! While we were out in the yard finishing the dressers, Austin's mom showed up. (Austin is the young man who thought it would be funny not to allow Kelly to come home last Friday!) His mom started this sob story about Austin was suicidal. I quickly informed her she was in the wrong yard trying to sell responsibility like that! It was made quite clear to her, that the decisions we have made since last Friday are NOT open for discussion and that he is not welcome here! That the relationship he and Kelly had is over and that he is not allowed to come speak to Kelly, period. I also informed her that Shawn and I found it pretty terrible that at no time has there even been an apology! We are not expecting one! Now I just pray that this young man has the sense enough to stay away! For the rest of the afternoon it has been relatively lazy and a little boring. Shawn and I took a couple strolls, however they were more like trolls! Shawn is out of ciggies and he was hitting up anyone he could for one. Do not think he was alone in this, there were plenty of other folks asking him if he had any! He took a nap and seems to be in a better mood. I may even not say a thing to him for doing one of my word puzzles! I think I may go walk the dog!

The Grumpies

Warm and muggy! I am also spending the morning with the "grumpies"! Not me, I'm in a good mood! Kelly and Shawn woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Shawn is finishing up the dressers for our landlord. It will be nice to have them out of the  house! It will be even nicer to be able to focus on some of our own projects! So I am off to try and cheer up my family and try to avoid the fumes of the clear coat! It is aweful!! I hope you all have a gret, great weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well it has been anything but lazy for Shawn and I today!I cleaned the house and Shawn worked on sanding the last dresser. After dinner I helped him stain one dresser and he stained the mirror. There is still one dresser to stain and all of it has to be clear coated...tomorrow! Right now I think a cool shower is in order! Kelly is still in her PJ's! She has been on the PC all day and listening to music, the life of a teenager! At least it will be easy for her to get ready for bed! I am going to convince her to brush her teeth! Hope you all had a good day and have a good night!

Summer Lazy

I slept very well! truly did not want to get my butt out of bed! Out of bed it is though! Shawn and I are drinking coffee on the porch, I enjoyed one of the muffins Kelly and I made. Not a whole lot of anything going on today! I suppose that can be good!  Shawn still has the dressers to refinish today, that is the first and foremost priority, so I may help him with that. I have to see how we can get Kelly motivated! Typical 17 year old on summer vacation, lazy! But she can only enjoy it for about a month and then her vacation is over! I hope you are all enjoying the start of your summers and have great day today!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It has been a good day! I enjoyed a morning walk to myself! Then Shawn spent the day sanding furniture, while I weeded and tended to the front lawn! The young man next door mowed our lawn for free and it looks amazing! Kelly and I walked the dog, played Rummy and baked some homemade muffins! I also received good news, my mom is home and doing well. They are saying that she had calcium toxicity and that is why she was all confused and unstable. She sounds better and is glad to be home. I thank all of you who prayed for her!Kelly and I are hanging out on the porch and Shawn has gone over to help a neighbor with some car repair. It is nice! Well, minus the fact Kelly keeps reading me stuff from the magazine I have told her I read all ready! Now if we all get a good night sleep, I will be able to say it has been a very good day! I can not wait to have tomorrow's coffee with one of these yummy French Breakfast Puff muffins! Yummy!

Snagging Quiet Time

I am snagging a few quiet minutes to myself before Shawn and Kelly get up! I have all ready fed the fury little family members and I have a pot of coffee brewing! Maybe I will grab my coffee and take a stroll. I believe Shawn is going to be working on refinishing some dressers today, so I may try to help out with that. Not too much else planned for the day. I am going to call my mom later and see how things are going there, she is still in the hospital. I hope the Doctors can give her and my dad some better answers as too what is going on. Things have been pretty vague, unless my folks are not telling me everything. That is always a real possibility! Well I believe my coffee is ready, I am off to make a cup! Hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good Neighbors!

We had started on  our way to the bus stop when a neighbor stopped us and offered to loan us his van. It worked out quite well, as we were able to go the clinic for me and run some other Small errands. I have to tell you, though the free clinic is great... the 3 hour process is not! 2 and half of it was just the paperwork of it! It is done and I have my prescription refill and a new Doctor.  Shawn, Kelly and I returned home pretty hungry, as we missed lunch. So now that I have eaten too big and too heavy a dinner, I do not feel all that good! Tonight would have been a good sandwich and salad night, not a pork stir fry and cheesy potato night! I must say over all we are most fortunate to have such generous neighbors! We truly appreciated them allowing us to borrow their van! In a little while I am off to walk the dog and maybe see if this dinner will settle some!

Prayers for my Mom

I received a call late last night from my dad, my mom is in the hospital. She has been quite sick for weeks now and pretty confused. They are looking into all sorts of things, including dementia. She is only in her late 50's, so still pretty young. Unfortunately she has always had some sort of health issues and not always taken the best care of herself. I suspect it maybe a long road, ex specially for my dad. I am glad they are being thorough with the testing and hopefully we will receive some concrete results very soon! Please, Keep her in your prayers! (Sharon) Thank You! Not sure what is on the agenda for today. I guess we will fly by the seat of our pants! I hope you all have a good day!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Farewell Fleas !

Like people possessed we attacked the house; inside and out! First spraying chemicals under the house! Then Shawn and I dipped the cats and dog, shoved the cats in the shed, leashed the dog out front. Then in the house we went and set of 6 bombs. After setting off the bombs we went outside and sprinkled insecticide all over the lawn and watered it according to the directions! After the bombing was complete we aired out the house and then cleaned it top to bottom. To wash the floors we used flea shampoo! We realized the dip did not work on the dog, it did on the cats. So the poor dog was shampooed and then shaved, she looks very cute! I think we killed all the little suckers! It was such a busy day, I never made it to the clinic for my prescription refills, there is tomorrow. Of course I still have to figure out the proper routes! Fun, Fun! Tonight we are finally relaxing! I feel good knowing my furry little family members will be healthier now! The heat down here makes the problems worse, but if we have taken care  of it, like we think, then maintaining it will be fairly easy! Well, I am getting over heated, so it is time to go inside! I hope you all had a good day! Sleep well!

Prayers for Mike

Not a bad start to the morning! First off we all slept well and a little late! We were all in need of it! Shawn and I are drinking coffee on the porch while it is still fairly comfortable out!  We are discussing our battle against the fleas! I hope you all have a good Monday! I have a prayer request; my friend Kristina's husband had a heart attack yesterday while playing softball. He is in CCU today. They have kids that are around my girl's ages. My prayers are with this family! And ex specially for Mike!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Flea Dipping

Shawn,Kelly and I walked down to Walmart this evening to shop for some very much needed things. Such as a hose, tshirts and a mop! We came home after a very enjoyable time of just hanging out! I miss my Kate Lynn though! Shawn and Kelly have been inside watching a horror movie, while I watered the lawn and washed some dishes...hmm! I think we are starting to settle into there being just the 3 of us, and then Shawn and I will have to adjust again in a month for 2 of us! Tonight is a good night, despite the heat! Our big plans to start the week is a do it your self flea dipping of both cats and the dog! I know, yippee! Tomorrow or Tuesday Shawn and I are going to try out the bus system, I have to get to a clinic for some prescription refills. I pray it goes well! That is all going here, thankfully! I hope you all had a great weekend!


It was the most lovely feeling this morning, we woke up freezing after sleeping well last night!Someone gave us a second air conditioner, that we placed in our bedroom. Between the 2 Ac's the house is quite cool! We were all so exhausted from the other night I think we all slept like logs! The anxiety in the house this morning is pretty nil.Shawn and I went for a short walk this morning that was quite enjoyable! Not sure what the plans are for today, I do pray things stay good! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Walking and Rummy

Kelly and Shawn are napping, I probably should be doing the same but am not sure I could. To work off some of our anxiety the 3 of us went for a long walk. We found a cool little yard sale and scoped things out. Nothing beats a single guys yard sale sometimes. His Grandmother gave him a bunch of brand new kitchen stuff and he never used it. I scooped up a brand new, in the box salad shooter for just a couple bucks! We came home and puttered around the house and Kelly and I played Rummy. It would seem lately if I am not walking I am playing Rummy! Though Rummy inside a nice air conditioned house often beats the walk! I am praying that over the next few days things will settle down! Shawn and I want to go see if we can speak to a few of the kids at the house with Kelly and see what they have to say about the whole thing, before we sign a warrant on this young man! We  will see what happens! Oh Boy! I pray you are all having a good weekend!

Terrifying Night

Shawn and I discovered a whole new level of fear! At 11pm Kelly was not home and we were a bit disappointed, by 12am we were mad, by 1am we were looking for her and I mean literally walking up and down the street she was supposed to  be on, scouring the neighborhood and area ( we walked miles!) , by 2:30am police were called and a report was done, at 3 something (I lost track after a melt down) we realized our neighbors across the street were on their porch and we went and asked for a ride to Kelly's boyfriend's mom's house. Theses poor and wonderful neighbors were; a-drunk beyond belief, b-spoke very little English, c- most graciously willing to help! The impaired driver got me safely to the house, where I proceeded to wake up his mom and dad at a very insane hour of the morning.After his mom knew I was beyond upset and she was going to help like it or not, she drove me to the house were her son held Kelly by fear! I had to pound on the door and threaten to take out a window. When I tell you, I made it abundantly clear to Austin and her family that there would be issues for him if he ever even looks at my daughter! Kelly came home with me and we arrived home, very exhausted and beyond anxious! It was by far one of the worst things we have ever been through. And after leaving Kate Lynn at the airport to move back to New England, my nerves were pretty frazzled any how! I tell you what, hug your kids hard today!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kate Lynn is in New England

It is a quiet evening! Shawn and I had pizza delivered from Domino's, a real treat! It was just the 2 of us! Kelly is at friend's this evening! Kate Lynn has arrived safely in New England! She said the flight was uneventful and fine, though she was very glad to be on the ground! I am relieved to know that it went well and that she is safe and sound! I guess tonight is a practice night of things to come! I had better get used to the quiet! All though Shawn has been quite chatty tonight! I am only having small amounts of anxiety this evening. I think knowing she is safe and sound, and that she is where she wants to be, helps! She really was in for a treat when she arrived, she left here where it was 120 with the heat index, to there where it was just in the 60's! It has been in the high 70's here at night and in Hooksette, NH they have a frost advisory for tonight! Welcome Home Kate Lynn! I thank you all for your prayers! And I hope you all have a good weekend!

It's All Nerves

We are all up early this morning. I believe Kate Lynn has paced the floors a dozen times all ready! I had a tough time falling asleep last night, I did get some decent sleep finally. This morning I am all nerves! I know once I am assured she has arrived at my sister's in Hooksette this evening will I be able to relax some! Please, pray like crazy for us today!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kate Lynn had a Monkey on her Back

We just enjoyed our dinner, Kate Lynn's favorite pasta dish! Then we had chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! It is a little hard to believe that she will be setting out on her own tomorrow! Where has the time gone? I am still not sure that it has sunk in for her, tomorrow that will be a different story! Kelly definitely gets it though, as she has had us play every single game that we own, every night this week! Funny story; we decided to take a family stroll earlier today, when a pit bull and another dog came barking at us. Due to Kate Lynn's attack by a dog, she became quite hysterical and began crying. I turned to shoo the dogs off, when I looked to check on the girls, I found Kelly had wrapped herself around Kate Lynn like a little monkey and she was yelling her fool head off "it's OK, Kate Lynn" over and over! After Kate Lynn settled down, we had a pretty good chuckle over that! Kelly nearly broke Kate Lynn's back and deafened her in one ear, all in order to protect her! OK, I guess they do love each other! Please keep Kate Lynn's flight in your prayers and that the person that has promised transportation to the airport will be here nice and early! Thank You!

Coffee and Cottage Cheese

OK, I have learned a very valuable lesson...ALWAYS check the milk before you pour it into your coffee! I had 2 cups of coffee with cottage cheese style milk before I went to bed! Yep, that makes for a long night and rough morning. I am feeling a bit better now, thank goodness

Low Key

I have felt better! I can not even get out of my own way this morning! It is going to be a very low key day today! Shawn is fiddling around and trying to fix a saw,the girls and I are just loafing. I may need to get a nap in before I am able to do a whole hack of a lot! I am completely wiped and my stomach just doesn't want to entertain the idea of letting me put something in it! Peppermint tea has been helping some. I wanted to make Kate Lynn a red velvet cake for her special dessert tonight, as it stands I will be lucky to make her, her special dinner! Good grief, talk about timing!

2:11 AM Tummy Woes

It is 2:11 AM and I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I am up only because I have such an upset stomache, it is keeping me wide awake! I have just tried something to help with some of the problematic symptoms and am sitting here waiting for my peppermint tea to steep! I thought earlier my tummy troubles were do to either the heat or to anxiety, both have been causing tummy upset! Kelly also brought home a bug last week that she shared with Shawn and I! There has been little rest for the weary in this house, but plenty of tummy woes! Kate Lynn has mercifully been spared! I am praying it will stay that way so she will be healthy for her flight on Friday! ( I guess that is tomorrow now!) The very good news is our new ac works very well and the house has cooled off significantly! I suspect by tomorrow this time it will be the perfect temperature! Though I hope tomorrow at this time I am sound a sleep! I realize none of you really want to hear me discuss mine or anyone else's tummy woes any further. Please, be in prayer for our health, exspecially for Kate Lynn's over the next day or so! Also for anyone that has been trying to reach me by my yahoo email, please know I have had a problem with my account. They have been working on helping me get it fixed the past 2 days,I am hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow the latest (I actually think I mean much later on today!). I hope you are all well and healthy! My prayers are with you as well!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kate Lynn's Countdown

Thank the Lord, we have AC! Now for the house to cool down! I can not believe how stink'n hot it is! We are planning how to spend tomorrow with Kate Lynn, it being her last day with us! I have her dinner all ready planned out! We packed almost all of her things all ready. I am not sure if it has even clicked with her that she is moving out! We will see how tomorrow and Friday morning goes!

Trying To Stay Cool

The heat and humidity just keep getting worse each day! Still no ac this morning! Very late last night the girls and I were out in the sprinkler! We had all gone to bed, but with the heat, sleeping comes in fits! Other than trying all we can stay cool, we have no plans today!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Homemade Sprinkler

My wonderful hubby came up with the most ingenius way for us to cool off tonight! We do not have a hose, but we have a sprayer (go figure!) and he was able to screw the sprayer directly to the back yard spigot. In an instant we had a fantastic sprinkler and right after the four of us were soaked! Relief, wonderful relief! The girls and I went out back and stood in it for a while for a second time, just before Kelly went to bed! We are nice and comfortable now! Kelly recieved a very nice surprise tonight. Our neighbor to the left of has given us some things that we could use, they are no longer using. Shawn and I recieved a dresser and Kelly a beautiful antique armoir. We have just finished redoing her armoir and it looks unbelievable. Tonight these nieghbors asked Shawn if he wanted a box of wall decorations, Shawn showed me only a peice of one and I quickly said yes. What I did not know is just what Kelly would be getting... a box of Home Interior, brand new still in the box, white victorian style wall decorations. The peice I thought was so neat, turned out to be the back of 1 scrolled taper wall sconce! There were two, as well as a shelf, a towel holder, medium size mirror and 3 butterflies. They filled up her empty walls and look unbelievable withe the new paint in Kelly's room and go perfectly with the design and style of her furniture. We could not have planned it any better. Kelly is just about beside herself! And the great thing is, the style will work just great as a guest room! Way cool! Sometimes it is just way too funny how things work out! A good night! Now I just pray that we will all sleep, now that we have been able to cool down. Or the nieghbors will hear us playing in our homemade sprinkler late tonight!

Bring on the AC

The heat has gotten to us! We finally walked up to our landlords office and requested an ac. They were supposed to bring it over today, it has not appeared as of yet! It is looking like maybe tomorrow, we can only hope! None of us have much of an appetite the past couple of days due to the heat! The cats and the dog are all miserable! The 2 little ceiling fans we have only move the hot air around! When I was listening to the radio earlier the announcer was talking about how hot this spring has been for Alabama. Leave it up to us to move here in time for the hottest summers ever! Bring on the ac! The good news is that tempers have cooled down despite the heat. Kelly spent the day at a friends house and Kate Lynn spent the day reading...uhm never mind, they are fighting as I type this! Good grief!


It was Kelly's turn not to sleep last night! I had gotten up around 3am to get a drink of water and had 20 years taken off my life! She was sitting in the dark kitchen,on the floor, playing on the computer. She is starting to really worry over everything so she is struggling with sleep! She and I went and sat on the porch for about 20 minutes and talked. It was a fairly cool out at that time, so I quickly was ready to go back to sleep! I woke up to Kate Lynn in quite the nasty, nasty mood. I guess Kelly and I woke her up when we went outside last night and instead of going back to sleep she decided to stay up. And today is making a point of taking it out on us, including a very nasty posting on facebook! I am a little less than happy with her! She is making us out to be quite terrible because we sold her bed so that she could have money to take with her when she moves back to New England. She has made it clear we should have kept her bed. She has not even acknowledged the fact we have sold our truck so that she would have an airplane ticket! Now Shawn and I walk all over the place to buy groceries and stuff! Trust me she is not the only one who has made sacrifices! Not even by a long shot! It hurts me that she is feeling like she does! She has been so unhappy here since she moved here, her mood has not been all too good and we have dealt with it. I have praying that this week would be a good one, as we do not know when we all will be able to see one other next. I have tried and tried to impress that upon both girls! I am feeling a little frustrated! I am hoping things will settle down this morning, Kelly has gone out for the day with friends and Shawn and I have some projects inside to do. Maybe Kate Lynn will just chill out!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Feasting!

We have just finished feasting on ribs with homemade watermelon salsa, corn on the cob, potato and macaroni salads! Yummy! It has been a good, quiet Monday! Shawn and I finished re grouting the tub surround. Yep, that is all the excitement we could handle with this heat! I sent an email to our landlord, inquiring about some ac units! It is not going to be a good sleeping night! Right now all any of us can talk about is our full bellies and that we wish the grout will set up quick so everyone can take a turn taking a cold shower!  Our black lab, Izzy just had a little puppy come by and play with her. She was a whole lot more gentle than I thought she would be, not that she is aggressive, the puppy did not even reach her belly! I was a little worried she smoosh him. Thankfully not! I am telling you can not handle the amount of excitement we have!

Watermeon Salsa

After a tough time falling asleep, I slept and slept well. Shawn I guess did not sleep at all. Neither of us are feeling quite a hundred percent, I can say I feel much improved though! It is supposed to be one of the hottest days here as of yet. We are going to try our best to stay cool! We have no plans, I am going to be making some homemade watermelon salsa this morning, yummy! I hope you all enjoy your extended weekend!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prayer for Health

I will not lie, I believe we have a stomach bug going around the house,Kelly had it and now so do Shawn and I. The physical symptoms and all the stress around getting Kate Lynn ready to go has sent my anxiety into a tail spin. I went to the walk in clinic today and asked for a prescription for the anxiety medication I had been taking before. They gave me enough to get me through for 10 days. I will then find a primary Doctor here and stay on them until I am sure I will not have issues when Kelly leaves. I did not realize I would have such a hard time when the girls left, I was wrong! It is OK, I am doing what I can to best manage my anxiety and stress. When I am sure they are both doing well and settled in, I will be just fine!I think being physically sick just came at the wrong time and it truly kicked my butt! Shawn's too as well, he is in laying down before dinner to see if he will feel a little better afterward. ugh! Please, be in prayer that we will all be healthy and that Kate Lynn will stay healthy before her flight! And also that her flight will be a smooth one!

Heartburn from Heck

It was a very long and lousy night! I slept very poorly and felt just as bad. My heartburn was the worse I have ever had in my life! Around 5:30 this morning I contemplated if I would need to go to the hospital. Shortly after I finally fell asleep, for a couple hours any how! It is going to be a very long day!  I plan on doing nothing all day!  I do believe I will survive! I will be sleepy but I have been before! I hope you all have a good Sunday!

Another Sleepless night

It is quarter till one in the morning and instead of sleeping I am sitting at the computer. I have heartburn terrible and the heat in the house is awful! But in all honesty those are not the reasons I am up, anxiety is..again. Today it really hit me that each day we spend with Kate Lynn is just one day closer to her leaving, then Kelly! I wish I would not fret so much over it! The girls are making good decisions and I am proud of them. I know I will see them, Kelly every vacation, Kate Lynn when we are able. I am not losing them, they are moving forward with their lives and mine is changing. Change is good, despite the anxiety that sometimes comes with it! I am so very tired and should be in bed! I may go sit on the porch for a short while, it is a little cooler there and maybe the fresh air will make me sleepy and ease my anxiety!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Forced Labor

The shed moving was a little more than different. First Shawn, Kate Lynn and I started to move this huge 8 foot by 16 foot thing. When we spotted a couple guys that promised to help,it was clear they were begging off. Then our neighbor, Gloria came over. Gloria is a busy body and puts herself in the middle of everything. She wanted to know what we were doing, we told her and she left. Then we hear her yelling and clapping. Then we see she has rounded up a large group of young men and is dragging then down the street and into our yard! These men understood quickly they were not getting out of shed moving! They and Shawn made quick work with the shed and the girls and I set out a nice picnic lunch. Once the guys saw the feast they were quite glad to have helped, they ate and even stuck around to do some raking. Gloria was treated to lunch as well as a bunch of to go plates! It was quite funny! We actually had a very enjoyable afternoon with these young men, I think despite being forced into some physical labor, these guys enjoyed themselves as well! The shed looks so much better in it's new home and it provides some very much needed privacy in the back yard! We were able to enjoy some time relaxing after a busy afternoon, the girls and I played cards and Shawn watched a movie. In just a bit he is going over to Gloria's to install some locks for her. Some cool news, I picked my first ripe tomato today, I was quite thrilled.

She Day

We are up! Let the shed moving begin! Well, first the Christmas decorations need to come out and the perimeter around it cleared up a little for easier moving! I think we are going to be glad we are doing this in the morning, it is all ready pretty warm! I hope you all have a great Saturday!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Planning The Weekend

I just saw that I missed the G in God in my morning post, so sorry! What is wrong, is root beer has gotten spilled on the keyboard and the keys stick terribly! Not so sure how to fix it! It has been a good day! Shawn finished the trim in Kate Lynn's bedroom, though technically we are getting it ready for a sitting room! The girls and I spent a good deal cooking, making potato and macaroni salads, deviled eggs, brownies and marinating buffalo chicken wings for tomorrow! It is looking pretty good that we will have decent crew out there in the morning to move the shed. Kate Lynn and I went grocery shopping for the week. Let me tell you our new "wheels" hold a lot of stuff. It can be a little cumbersome to pull the grocery shop behind you when it is fully loaded, but it beats carrying all that stuff by hand!We had that cart really loaded! We had stuff piled on top of 3 cases of soda and a 10 pound bag of ice! To keep the food cold we use the reusable, insulated grocery bags. So we are definitely doing our part for the environment! Out of all the bags only 3 were the plastic grocery bags. I need to pick up a couple more I guess. It has been a good day! I am looking forward to the weekend, see what Memorial day weekend is like here. I tell you what, for Friday night is very, very quiet! I am the only one out in the neighborhood, that I can tell. Well, there is Izzy and she is sound asleep on the other side of the porch! There will be no cookout here. The grill we bought a ways back was trampled by the dog! We had her runner to close and she mowed it over. It was just one of those $20 portable ones, never worked too well any how! That is the only bummer! I can not wait until we are able to buy a proper grill.Not sure how we will get the thing home! Unless Shawn assembles it the parking lot and wheels it home.Wouldn't that be quite the sight! I hope you all have a safe and good long weekend!

od's Fireworks

I slept like a log! We were up late last night! Shawn and I had the ultimate free date night! We sat on the porch watching the most spectacular heat lightening and watched as it turned into an actual thunder storm! It was very cool! And it brought the temperature way down! We sat out on the porch until very late. Nothing beats a fire works show  like God's! It is a very nice morning, with a cool breeze. No big plans, Shawn is going to bathe the dog, I am going to wash the dishes, he has some locks to install at a neighbors and I have some grocery shopping to do. It takes care of the Small stuff before the weekend! Tomorrow we are moving the shed, we have recruited some guys from the neighborhood to help. As an incentive I am making subs and offering soda! I had not actually realized it was Memorial day weekend until just the other day. We have no big plans, no complaints! Just a layed back weekend! Happy Memorial day weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Progress Day

What a wonderful day it has turned into be! We had decided to take and just stay home, sit back and relax. We have been going and going for days and we all really needed a down day. Kelly had not gotten her ID  because of all sort of hold ups. Tomorrow was going to be our running around day. We sat on the porch all morning, drinking coffee and hanging out as a family. We did some small projects in the house, and I do mean small. In the afternoon we sat back on the porch and watched the lightening from the thunder storm, played in the rain when it was safe. Just around 3:30 I was feeling a little antsy so Shawn and I decided to just take a stroll around the neighborhood. I spotted a store that has just recently opened, actually what caught my eye was some shelving, and I noticed they have a sign advertising "Notary Public". Shawn says ,"let's go price it". We go over and start chatting with her and find out she had a son that graduated Job Corp and she was happy to notarize Kelly's form, with my ID! Shawn and I literally jogged home, grabbed Kelly and her form and walked back to the store! The form has been notarized! Shawn and I then went to the Post Office down the street and her form has been mailed! God is GREAT! Kelly had gone home after, while at the store she had found a mini dress she fell in love with. The wonderful Ms. Brenda, the notarizer/store owner, sold it to Kelly for less than half of what we would have paid  for her State ID! She told Kelly that she was proud of her and she wanted to be sure that Kelly got her self something that made her happy! Shawn and I think floated on air on our walk! Finally some relief! Now we have a whole day with nothing planned! I am pretty sure we will find something to do! It feels incredibly good to know, as parent's, that we have the girls set up to go off to school and they have chose what will make them most happy! On our walk back we stopped and asked a neighbor if he might consider bringing us and Kate Lynn to the airport on the 3rd, if we gave him some gas money. He felt it should be no problem at all. So again, one less worry right now! If it falls through we will figure that out when the time comes! I feel pretty good about it! It has been a progress day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It has been another busy day! Shawn refinished our neighbor's headboard, I cleaned the house and then of course we took another long walk! We went to Sav A Lot to buy our new set of wheels! Just $19.99! It is one of those metal shopping carts. Let me tell you it is a wonderful thing! Lugging bags across the city is not Shawn or my most favorite things! Now that we have a cart,life just became a whole lot easier! I love it! I do not care if I look like a little old lady! And besides I am just making my carbon foot print a whole lot smaller, right!? Shawn was joking about pin stripping it and putting crazy big tires on it! I told him if we do then we need to get another cart and we can have his and hers! The heat has been unbearable, walking around the city like we have been has been an adventure in staying hydrated! Over all I think we have done well. Though by the time we get home it is a race to the shower for a cold shower! This evening we actually decided to take it easy, sit and relax! Tomorrow I am hoping we can finish the trim in the girl's rooms. We need to plan our own projects in and around the ones others keep heaping on us! Tonight we are all doing our best to stay cool!

Not Much

Sitting, enjoying coffee and a cruller, looking at a nicely manicured lawn! Kelly is painting her nails, she is all meticulously groomed, I guess she is hoping for a perfect ID  photo! I am hoping it will go well with that today! Shawn is all ready beginning to refinish the headboard for one of our neighbors. She came over early with some new thoughts on how she would like it done! Not a whole lot on the agenda today! I may clean my room and even finish reading a book!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn

It has been good, all be it an interesting day! Our neighbors to the right of us, asked Shawn if he could build a pulpit out of an old entertainment center. With that and a crappy old side table Kate Lynn found in the trash, Shawn built her a very nice pulpit! Kelly was unable to get her ID, they gave her a form to fill out at Job Corp and she can get it tomorrow. No big deal! To add to the interest factor, we watched a neighbor from  another street walk by with his lawn mower and weed wacker...he is in our back yard! Apparently he walked right up our driveway and went to work! God has truly blessed us by showing us that we can live quite well in this neighborhood. In truth fullness when we first saw the area, we were far from sure. Shawn and I are quite happy here. We have people sitting on our porch all the time, at all hours, just chatting with us! Shawn is referred to as Mr. Shawn and has become quite popular! If he goes outside for anything I will often find him gone! On any given occasion a neighbor will stop him and ask him to fix something! Besides our own projects, we have our landlords dressers,a neighbor's headboard, the pulpit and a variety of general yard work and handyman fix its! I am referred to as Mrs. Shawn! It is too funny to change!

Note to Self

Note to self; wear socks ALWAYS with sneakers! Anyone who knows me well, is aware I would rather go barefoot! With the heat and all the walking we have been doing I decided to skip the socks! This morning I wish my ankle would stop hurting! To the best of my knowledge I have no real walking to do, that is good as I am unsure how I am going to put shoes on my right foot! OK I will not talk about my foot any more! Some news,Kate Lynn's plane ticket has been bought and she will be leaving on June 3rd. She will leave Montgomery at lunch time and arrive in Manchester, NH by dinner time! We were also able to buy her a small inexpensive suitcase set at Walmart. It will probably only last this one trip, but it is all she needs. Anything else she leaves here and wants, Shawn and I will send to by mail. Today Kelly has to go and see if there is some way she can get her ID and her last form notarized. I told her those are her plans for the week and until they are done there are no other plans. I would suggest she get them done quickly! It is going to be another hot one today! Right now I am enjoying my coffee with Krispy Kreme Crullers (the little  ones) and listening to the Woodpecker pecking away at the tree next to me! Hope you all have a good day! Wear socks!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting Things Done!

We walked over 15 miles today, I kid you not! We had important things to do and no truck! The truck sold this evening! We have all ready loaded a prepaid card to purchase a plane ticket for Kate Lynn. Tomorrow Kelly has to go and get an Alabama state ID, then we can have her final Job Corp paper work notarized and sent. We have been told a tentative departure date of July 5th for her. When the money gram goes through on the card, we  are looking at a June 3rd departure date for Kate Lynn. So each will be leaving within a month of each other! A very productive day! But oh my gosh has it also been hot! For now, I have to go look for Kelly's school ID, she needs a picture ID to get a picture ID! You have to love it!

Pancake Breakfast

This morning is looking quite lovely! We all woke up to Kelly making a pancake breakfast for everyone! She, Shawn and I will be taking a very nice walk this morning.I am looking forward to it. Please, be in continued prayer for the sale of the truck! It is in a hold pattern right now. I hope all of you have a great Monday!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hot it Is

Hot it is! The truck is sadly still sitting in front of the house, though it is decorated with 2 for sale signs!No one has come up with the cash yet!We have had so many people who have looked at it, but no serious takers yet! Shawn and I will continue to try and sell it though. When his disability check comes in we will use some of it to buy Kate Lynn a plane ticket. So she will be getting to New England a week later, better late than never! I am trying hard not to be frustrated! When the truck finally sells, and I believe it will, we will recoup our monies. It is more important to Shawn and I for the girls to be able to do what they need to do!Again we have recieved another offer just now on the truck, he told us "when my wife comes home from work this evening, I will bring the money". We will see!

A Little Less Talk

It is supposed to be very,very hot here today! Our big plans involve some more painting! We will be finishing the trim in the two girl's bedrooms. I am praying with all my heart that one of the two gentlemen that have been talking about buying the truck will do a little more than talking today! Right now I am enjoying the quiet and fairly comfortable temperature on my front porch! Coffee in hand!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stalled Truck Sale

The good; Our yard sale went well. We sold the majority of what needed to be sold and were able to go buy the money order Kelly needed. The bad; the truck sale has stalled. I am still being told by 2 people that they want the truck. No one has yet to fork over the cash. I am a little more than frustrated by this. Both have been bugging us for days to get ready to sell them the truck and now... It is a set back, but one I am hoping will be resolved fairly quickly! Right now we are back to just hanging out on the porch! I am working real hard at not being cranky! I think I will just grab a book and a cold drink and soak up the fresh air!

Some Good News

A little cloudy and misty this morning. Praying the sun will come out soon! All though then it will be blistering hot! We have our yard sale set up and ready. We have all ready sold Kate Lynn's bed,guess she will be sleeping on the couch! I have a big praise this morning; Karlene's lung and heart taps went well. She has been released to heal at home. She still has a long road and a lot of follow up appointments, but Praise the Lord! Thank you for all your prayers! I will keep you posted on our progress today! We are waiting anxiously for the truck sale to be done! Please, keep us in your thoughts and prayers today!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Blessing of Day

We have been blessed by some very wonderful nieghbors! Today Shawn, Kate Lynn and I spent the afternoon cleaning up the elderly nieghbors back yard to the right of us. That provided us with some moneys we needed today. They also thought our 2 girls were so wonderful, they each were paid $10. We have been so very busy today! With the yard cleaning,prepping for the yard sale and a little bit of painting. Tomorow the girls and I will tend to the yard sale and Shawn will finish the trim painting! It has been a blessingof a day! It was confirmed that come tomorrow morning we will have sold the truck! That means, yes Kate Lynn will be heading back to New England! Right now we are all hanging on the porch,including Izzy!

Making Plans

Feeling a bit better this morning! We are all up and discussing the plans for the day. It is supposed to be pretty hot today,may be a very good day to be inside and painting! We are also planning out our yard sale tomorrow. I am also praying that goes well. It would be incredible if we sold everything we put out tomorrow. The money we make tomorrow is from the items  the girls will no longer need, including Kate Lynn's bedroom set. We need to be sure Kate Lynn has luggage for next week and some money to take with her. So again, please be in prayer for the sale of the truck and this yard sale. I thank you so much for your prayers! For this morning, I need to have 1 more cup of coffee and then I need to get busy!

Clearing my Head

It is 1am and instead of sleeping, I am instead coping with an all out panic attack! My struggle with anxiety is no secret. I work hard to manage it and all my stress, being human it sometimes kicks my butt. I have had only a few issues with panic attacks, since being here. I believe tonight's is in direct connection with the girls getting ready to leave. Can you imagine any Mom struggling with anxiety when her kids leave the nest...! I want my girls to know that I am so very proud of them! And I will not think of them leaving,instead I will think of it as them moving onto bigger and better things! That is truly what they are doing! After managing some of the physical aspects of the panic attack, I came into the living room and read my bible. As I often do, I let the Lord show me what I needed to read and I found a lot of comfort in His word tonight! This is what he showed me tonight:;  Psalm 138: 3- As soon as I pray, you answer me, you encourage me by giving me strength.  8-The Lord- will work out a plan for my life-for your faithful love endures forever. Don't abandon me,for you made me.  139: 23- Search me O God, and know heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
As you can see I skipped around and mentioned the verses that really touched my heart.If you have a bible I pray that you read Psalms 138 and 139. Or when you are feeling like you just want to see what God has to say to you, pray and ask him,open your bible, he will show you the words he wants you to read. I feel much better now! I so very much dislike these panic attacks. I wish I never had another one again! I say that when ever I have one and when I am least expecting it, one comes along! In the whole scheme of things they are a nuisance, but I will not allow them to become a huge problem. I have found a whole bunch of things that generally work to manage them, prayer is by far the very best tool for dealing with them! I thank you for letting me just come here and chat tonight and allowing me to share a message from God's word. Doing these things have helped me to refocus my thinking as well! Before I head to bed I may go sit on the porch and just soak up some cool air! Maybe a cup of spearmint tea, while I am out there!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Significant Going Ons

Oh my gosh have we painted today!! We also may very well have sold the truck, we will know for certain by this Saturday! Please, be in prayer for this! With this money we can send Kate Lynn back to New England, make sure the girls have all the things they need for Job Corp (once Kate Lynn enrolls), luggage for traveling and the money for the background check. This would be a huge break all the way around. Shawn and I want this all to work out very much, as it would allow us to do what we need to for the girls! To say the list every one's anxiety is quite high! We have a house full of projects and soon enough a whole lot of empty space!

Things in a Nutshell!

Let the painting commence! That is what we are getting ready to do! Though at some point Kelly and I have to run over to the Job Corp office and pick up some forms. We have gotten word that we have to have these forms filled out, notarized and sent with a $25 money order to the Conway police department. They will then send Job Corp Kelly's background check. From there it sounds like it will be very quick and Kelly could be heading to Kentucky sooner than we thought! I am just praying some work might come up so we can come up with the proper funds, because the sooner we do our part, the sooner everyone else can do there's! It is shaping up to be a pretty good day, it is supposed to get pretty hot today later. We are trying to get the big stuff done while it still cool! And that is things in nutshell!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Still More to Do

To tell you we have been busy would be an understatement! Shawn finished the prep work on all of Kelly's walls, Kelly and I primed and painted all of her bedroom furniture, Kate Lynn finished sanding away all of the old grout and removing the caulking from the shower and we made time for a walk and dinner. Kate Lynn also paused long enough to break her little toe on a broken floor board! She will live, all though we will hear about it for the next month! It is just about 9:45pm here and we have just sat down for the first time all day! It will be so worth the effort in the long run! Tomorrow the paint goes on Kelly's walls and all the furniture will be touched up and the second color added. Sorry we have no before pictures! I will try to post finish pictures of both girl's rooms soon. It is so funny to be working so hard to finish their rooms and in all honesty we are not even sure how long either of them will be here! We keep telling them that we have some final say in some details of their rooms because "Kelly, your room will be our guest room" and "Kate Lynn, your room will be my sitting room!". Of course they each know they will always be their rooms when they come back on vacations! It is actually funny, Kelly's furniture was not even on the radar to be painted, it just happened! It looks incredible! And it even matches for the most part! Her bed was given to us by a church, the wardrobe was given to us by a neighbor and the bedside table well, that was rescued from the trash! Tonight it looks like she has herself a very nice bedroom set! Tonight I hope we all get a good night sleep, there is still much too be done!

Stray Cat

Good  morning! It is quite  lovely morning here in Montgomery! Our big plans...painting! And figuring out how to get the stray cat out of the truck! That will teach us to leave the windows open! Man, I hope it does not have fleas! Besides that, not too much else today. However, as I have learned, that does not mean a hole lot of anything! I have no further news on Karlene. I know she has the needle procedure on her lungs today. When I here I will let you all know how it went! Thank you for your continued prayers! I hope you all have a good day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Prayer Update

First I have to apologize in my morning post asking for prayer, I misstated her name as Kendra,it is Karlene, my goof! However, God always knows and as of tonight she is doing pretty well, still in ICU. She and her husband allowed the Doctor's to perform a needle tap and remove the fluid from her heart. The fluid is coming off. On Wednsday they will take a needle and take fluid from her lungs. The prayer is that the fluid will all come out and stay gone. Thank you so much for your continuing prayers. I will continue to update you as I have new information!

Library Trip

It turned into quite a nice day, after a cloudy and cool start! Shawn and I went for a walk wearing sweaters and half way back we had the sweaters tied around our waists! It has been a pretty good day over all! The girls and I will be heading to the library in just a few minutes, our favorite place to go! Praise the Lord, gas prices went down over a dime! I can not imagine what everyone in New England is paying! I have to go inspect the painting job Kate Lnn did in the bathroom! I will talk to you all later!

Urgent Prayer Request

This morning I received an urgent prayer request; A sister in law of some friends is in the hospital for congestive heart failure, it is an extremely urgent situation. Her name is Kendra, she is just 39 years old, she has a loving husband and 7 children. She needs all the prayers she can get for healing mercies! I thank you for taking time to keep Kendra and her family in your prayers today!
Also, keep our friends in prayer, Jeff, Julie and thier two beautiful daughters, they are Missionaries in Thailand. I can only image how difficult this is for them being so far away from family during a difficult time. This family is so special to us and I pray for peace and comfort for them! This family is also a family of incredibly strong faith and love for God, the mission work Jeff is doing in the Thailand area is often very dangerous. He is away from the Julie and the girls for periods of  time, bringing the Gospel and message of God to places that people are jailed or worse for doing just that. Julie is a teacher assistant at Thialnd school and home schools the girls. We met this family while Jeff was still Pastoring at the Valley Christian Church in New Hampshire. Their girls and Kelly became quite good friends and there were many sleep overs at one house or another for them. Before they left their family came to our home for dinner and shared stories of when they had lived in Thailand once before. It was quite a learning experience! Again I thank you for keeping this family in your prayers!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wake Up Call

It has come to my attention that my postings may have been anything but uplifting! I apologize! I often use this blog to put out my feelings at the moment. It is funny how often it is easiest to rant and rave when things are not going well, but forget to rejoice when things are good! Shawn and I went on another walk and were able to have a very nice conversation. We realize despite the difficulties, we are heading in the right direction. We can not complain us much as maybe I have been! Again, I apologize! I have no real regrets moving here to Montgomery, I wish things could have been a little easier! I also wish I was a little thinner, my hair a little more manageable and the cats would change their own box! So the good things about being here; Shawn and I take a walk everyday just the 2 of, because the weather is perfect! I have an incredible porch to sit and while away the hours, reading, playing cards or visiting with neighbors! We have to trees that will bear nuts and fruit unlike we would ever have in New England.We have been blessed by some very incredibly good neighbors, a great church and a wonderful landlord. Our house everyday is closer to looking like a home we would be very proud of!  Our girls are growing up and making some very adult and wise choices for themselves. I am very proud of them! I am also very proud of us, just 6 months ago we were homeless and just a little desperate. I certainly do not want to come across whiny and snotty! I am grateful for what we have and where we are!  Thank You very much to the person who pointed out how I was coming across! I needed that wake up call!

Grocery Monday

Kelly and I are up early! I am going to take a quick shower and then she and I are off to grocery shop! Coffee,Coffee,Coffee!! When we get home a big breakfast will be in order! That is how we are kick starting this sunny, yet cool, Monday! I hope the start of your week is a good one!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Early Bedtime, Early to Rise!

I managed to make a pretty decent dinner. After Shawn, Izzy and I took a very long walk! I am completely tuckered out! I am going to get up nice and early, that way I will get the grocery shopping done early. Tomorrow morning Shawn and I are making a big breakfast! Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty chilly compared to the heat we have had. I am looking forward to a chilly day! I pray you all had a great weekend!


Shawn woke up from his nap wanting to take a walk, so we did. After we stopped home we considered continue walking, however after just going a block we turned around. I am afraid to do too much walking, not enough calories to put into any of us to keep up with all the walking. Today is a little tough! None of us can wait until tomorrow so that we can put some food into this house. For all of you that do not have to consider where your next meal, snack or drink is coming from (and for drinks, I mean coffee, soda, juice!), consider yourself blessed. Because that is truly a blessing from God! I came home from our failed walk feeling a little lousy, Kate Lynn and I finished the last can of soup in the house.I think my sugar was a little low, I feel better just eating the little bit I did. I am trying to figure out what to feed Shawn and am Praying Kelly eats while she is out with her boyfriend and his family. Terrible thing was I was hoping that she would break it off with him, Shawn and I  find him rude and disrespectful, now I am hoping she will eat first! Good grief! That are the woes here. Tomorow will be better as the foodstamps will be in, and I will be up in time for the doors to opened at the nearest grocery store!

Not Pushing Grumpy

Not too sure what the plans are for today. I guess we are going to wing it! The gas gauge indicates it will be a day at home! No church this morning,sadly. There is lots to finish today in the house. Though I suspect that Shawn may be a tad to grumpy to even consider any. His nicotine addiction can truly be a real issue!I am not going to be pushing grumpy to finish anything! I hope you all have a good day!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Post, take two

ugh! I just wrote a post and it seems to have gotten lost! Oh well! I guess it was not too important! I hope you enjoy your Saturday evening!

Good Morning

I slept unbelievably well last night! Shawn and I fixed ourselves a coffee and took a beautiful walk this morning. The weather is perfect! We have a bunch of projects that are needing to be done this morning.I think we will enjoy another coffee and a little more of the weather before tackling any yet! I hope that you all have a happy Saturday!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rain! Rain! Rain!

What was a very hot and humid day, has turned into a rainy, cool and comfortable evening! Kelly and I will be playing cards on the porch and soaking up all this delicious cool air! By the way, a note about the last post: I try to always use spell check and proof read all my posts, errors still happen. I am well aware Friday has and "r" in it! All right Kelly is shuffling the cars and I need to go see if I can kick her butt in Rummy!

Fiday The 13th

Sorry about the late post, the blog site was doing some maintenance. It is an interesting Friday the 13th: We were woken up this morning to another SWATT team raid, neighbors on the other side this time. Not sure what happened there, however it sounded a whole lot more serious than the pot situation like the neighbors to the left of us. Keeps things interesting! It is another hot and very humid day. Shawn is procrastinating the whole pile of projects we have to do. I may give him today and try harder to see what we can get done this weekend. Kelly is off at the park with friends and Kate Lynn is scrubbing the old grout of the shower. Actually at this point she is the only one doing anything productive! In my defense, I finished some touch up on her walls, did dishes, took care of a load of laundry, washed the dog and some general cleaning! When she is done, re grouting the shower is on the to do list for sure! That is the big plans for the weekend, painting, grouting and some more painting! I have to mention one thing before I forget! Over a year ago the church we were attending in New Hampshire had a problem, a deacon of the church had sexually molested  a 12 year old girl there. To make a long story short; her family were close friends with the guy involved and his family, they agreed to just have him apologize and promise not to do it again! (Good grief!). The Minister and other elders became aware of the situation and attempted to counsel the victim's family to press charges. The police caught wind of it and arrested the Minister and elders for not reporting the crime. They were sentenced probation and paid fines. The church was destroyed, families were devastated. But these two families stayed friends and life went on as usual. While we were still there, this guy actually got up in front of the church and announced his guilt. That was the last day I went to that church! The young lady involved was a very good friend of Kelly's, she had stayed at our house many nights. That Sunday morning when I left, I saw this poor young lady sitting all alone, while this guy made his announcement. I could not have been more angry! I even called the police and made some inquiries! I mean how can they arrest so many people and still not have charged any one with a crime? And by him making this announcement in front of all those people, were we now just as guilty as the Minister and elders? Where I am going with this, On May 10th this guy was arrested, he faces 10 to 30 years in prison. It took over a year, but justice has finally happened. Now maybe this young lady will gain some peace and knowledge that what happened to her is never OK! This situation has upset me from the very begining. My thoughts and prayers are for that young lady! I hope she is loved, supported and so very much cared about!
On a  brighter note, I hope and pray you all have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Very Nice Tour

There was a bit of a mix up with the tour, we were finally able to take it a little after 10am. It was a beautiful campus and quite evident they take security and classes quite seriously! It was also very clear in order for Kelly to get the most out of Job Corp she will definitely have to live on campus. After classes is when the study groups, socializing and extracurricular activities begin. Most importantly that is also when the life lessons in independence happens. If Kelly had chosen Montgomery instead of Kentucky she would not be staying on campus and we both feel like she would be missing out on a big part of the experience! She will have drivers education, which is very nice! They even will pay for her testing and license. Kelly will learn how to budget and spend her money wisely, she will have to have her bed made, clothes put away and her area of the room clean before 7am every day! She will also have to learn to clean the dorm with her roommates and be responsible for her own laundry. Shawn and I are really liking this program more and more. Again, now if we can only get Kate Lynn back up North and busy getting herself in the Job Corp there! It has turned into another of a scorcher of a day! I am going to be sure we get a hose on the 3rd of next month, so help me! I will hook up our sprinkler and park myself in chair smack in the middle of it! I have to get used to this heat and HUMIDITY! It has only just startted!


It is a little cloudy here this morning, here in Montgomery. Kelly and I are up and getting ready for her tour. Not a whole lot else planned for today. After the week we have had, I am looking forward to seeing what other projects we can get done. Kate Lynn's walls came out very nice and the new carpet is super. We have just the trim to do now. Kelly will have her room done next, unless she continues to sit next to me and correct my spelling while I am typing! And that is it for now! I hope you all have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Kelly and I spent this very warm evening playing Rummy, on the porch. This is a habit we have taken up since way back. It is a great way for us just to chat and hang out. I learn allot from my girls this way. When she heads off to Kentucky I will be at a loss! I am so very proud of her. I pray that we figure out the finances so that we may be able to send Kate Lynn back to New England and pursue her Job Corp dream there. Tonight is going to be an early to bed night. After being so very sick last night, I am pretty wiped out. Kelly and I have to be up early to head out and tour the Montgomery campus, something we are both looking forward to! I hope you all have a great night!

Kelly is In

Kelly is in! Her interview went very well! They are doing a background check, have to make sure she doesn't run booze for the Mafia or hits for the Mob. Then she waits for an opening in Kentucky, not quite sure how long that takes and off she goes. Tomorrow we are all going to the Montgomery Job Corp for a tour of the campus. This will give Kelly a better idea to expect. She is pretty excited, maybe a little nervouse! Shawn and I are thrilled for her! Now what to do with Kate Lynn.....

Interview Day

OK, last night I mentioned I was going to nurse a headache, actually it was a migraine and it kicked my butt! I was up half the night sick as a dog! I almost wonder if it was God trying to get my attention! After the power was cut, I really was angry and my faith was far from good. Power is back on, as he always provides, even when I am being bratty! As I was laying in bed, suffering miserably, I realize that I need to be much better still with my faith and trust in God. I am feeling a bit better this morning, though I will be tired for the day. This morning I am helping Kelly get ready for her interview at Job Corp. I am  very anxious for her and pray it goes very, very well! That God will just open that door wide! I must tell you she looks very pretty this morning, very grown up and professional! If my camera were here I would most definitely take a picture, you will just have to trust me! I hope you all have a good day, I will update you with how things went!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Through the generosity of a friend we have the power back on! I also have a terrible headache from walking for almost for 2 hours in this heat looking for Kelly. She turned up fine and I restrained myself from killing her! Just kidding, I was just glad she was fine. She had apparently had gone to the high school to talk with friends and because of my all ready bad day thought she would be doing me a favor by just going and not saying anything! Despite the headache things are better this evening! Actually I believe I will chat more tomorrow, tonight I need to figure out this headache!

Pissed Off

What started out as a pleasant and productive day has turned ugly! It seems every time we turn around it's something else! Because of the roach and flea issue we used part of our electric bill to fix it. When I say part I mean, the bill was $162 and we paid $100, leaving a friggin $62 balance. We took care of the damn bugs, paid off the water bill and paid rent, after that we are broke, as usual! Wouldn't you know but the electric company shows up and disconnects our electric because of the outstanding $62! I am unbelievably upset! I truly just want to quit and run away! I am so damn sick and tired of one issue after another! And as for the damn social security office, Shawn and I believe that they will not be paying us any owed retro monies. At this point they continue to fight and argue with us. I have applied over and over for work, so do not think for one second I'm sitting on my rear end! I am completely and utterly fed up! I know how this post sounds and I wish I could apologize, however I am pissed off!!  I do not have one friggin idea on how in the heck I am supposed to keep food cold and cook a meal!  Some days I wonder truly why in the hell we did this!

Early Start

It is an early day for all of us! Shawn and Corey are off to help Ricky with his truck, I will be lucky if I see them again this week! The girls and I have to empty Kate Lynn's room out, the rug guys will be here sometime this morning. Then all we will have left in her room will be the trim. What a wonderful feeling, we will have 1 room completed this week! It is all ready quite warm this morning and only going to get hotter. No big plans for the day, I am considering sanding down a dresser. I hope you all have a great day!

Monday, May 9, 2011


No I did not get lost today! It has been a very busy few days and today has been no exception!Shawn took Kelly to her Job Corp orientation this morning!It turned out there was an hour and a half orientation for parents, Shawn attended that! Kelly goes for her interview on Wednesday at 10:30 in the morning. We are praying that it goes very well. Because like how we came down here on faith, we are going on faith she will be all set to go and withdrew her from school today. That is a requirement for Job Corp, that way she will be ready to go right away.The huge surprise was that she very well may be going to Kentucky! They will fly her there and we will not be able to visit until she has been there for 8 weeks! Our faith only leads us a little further into the unusual today! Corey, the young man that often hangs out with us and Shawn drives to school, had to leave the orientation this morning. Shawn realized that he was upset and after talking with him, found out Corey left when the counselor told everyone "anyone that can not test clean, can leave". Corey has reassured us he doesn't do any drugs, and we believe him, however he lives in a house were quite a number of people do. His brother that shares a room with smokes pot quite heavily and Corey was certain he would test dirty because of a contact high, many kids have failed for that reason. Corey has a very difficult situation at home and has struggled to make it through high school. Shawn and I really like this young man and feel he has far to go. We have been encouraging him to pursue Job Corp and he is fully intending to follow through. Today was discouraging. He is to call them tomorrow and see if they will reconsider and allow him to attend next Monday's orientation, if not he may have to wait 30 days. Now I suspect you are wondering how will he test  clean next week if he could not this week. This is where our faith steps in! You see we are obligated to him, we have been walking him through the process every step of the way, including helping him with drawing from high school. So we have opened our door to him and if he wants to he will be staying with us until he heads to Kentucky with Kelly. he is well aware of the rules in this house and what Shawn and I expect from him and what we will not tolerate.  We have to trust God that he will provide for us while we provide for this young man. He has had it tough and deserves this opportunity.  If he doesn't he will be like so many others here, hanging on the streets, doing nothing and just waiting for trouble to find him. This is not a discission made without discussion and thought.  We will see what happens. I am praying like crazy all the peices will fall into the proper places. I am very excited for the oppertunity Kelly has and am hopeful that without further issue Corey will have the same! And I am perfectly OK with people thinking we are crazy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Wishes

No sleeping in here on Mother's day! I do not expect anything, but it would have been nice if someone else had gotten up and tended to the pets and made the coffee. Instead they are all tucked nicely in bed, while I am up, and just a little cranky now! I hope you moms all have a really nice day and that the day is extra special for you! Don't do any more than you have to, relax and enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In Memory of Seth

It is all too easy to become self absorbed! All day today Kate Lynn and I scrubbed every single surface, every dish, every pot and pan, load after load of laundry and every floor. The whole bug thing just grossed us out! We have not seen one since the over kill bombing yesterday. And though my stomach is upset due to anxiety, the heat and over exhortation, I am able to spend time with my girls! Tonight my heart breaks for the Stiles family in New Hampshire, Seth went to be with the Lord this morning. His pain is over. Tomorrow being mother's day I lift up his mom, Noelle, may God grant her peace and comfort! For Dad, Geoff and sisters, Hannah and Julia, I pray that they too will have some peace in this time of sadness! When we moved here to Montgomery and went through so many difficulties and trials (still are to some extent) we were determined to be sure God's grace and work shone through. He is why we are who we are, he knew each hurdle we would climb and he is always there to lift us up and over. We can not become so involved in ourselves and what ever our situation might be, we need to remember to pray for those around us as well. I have been praying for Seth and his family for quite some time, however not as often as I should. Tonight it is not just about loss, it also about growth. Seth was an incredible strong young man, with a strong faith in his Lord, Jesus Christ. His life was a testament to everyone who knew him or knew of him. The Stiles family exemplifies strength, true love of a family and a beautiful witness to our Lord. I know that Seth is rejoicing and singing praises to his Heavenly Father tonight, and in a new healthy body!

Proverbial Straw

Shawn and I did not sleep all too well! At midnight the two of us were up eating popcorn and snacks while watching a movie. I suppose on any other Saturday night that would sound like a date, last night it was just nerves! I am the only one up in the house right now, I am making coffee and trying to come up with a game plan! There is now even more than ever to do in the house! It will get done, that I am sure, though maybe a little more grudgingly than usual. It would seem one monkey wrench after another has been thrown our way of late. Yesterday was probably that proverbial straw! Despite the lack of sleep and the enormous amount of cleaning, reorganizing and general other stuff, I am ready to get it done and out of the way! Right Now I am off to bring the dog in, as she has decided to start barking, and go drink a gallon of coffee!! I hope you all have a great Saturday!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tired and Disgusted

My goodness has it been a day and a half! Let us just say that we were able to finish just one wall! We knew our little pets had a bit of a flea issue. The house carpets were just awful when we moved in and created all sorts of issues! All the carpets have been ripped out and thrown away. So it was as good a time as any to be rid of all the fleas. After dipping all 3 pets and putting the cats in the truck (the cats are always a joy!) and then set off some bombs! After leaving the house for 2 hours, Shawn and I went in to open windows to air out the house, we were greeted by a very nasty surprise! There dead roaches all over! I almost passed out!! We had not seen any, so had no idea! This house needs so much work, at times it is overwhelming! We for went the airing out process and instead went out and bought 3 more bombs and re bombed the house! Better safe than sorry! Shawn and I are so upset!! This is simply not how we live! It is utterly disgusting! We have just spent the past 2 hours cleaning the house, tomorrow will be more of the same! We are planning on dealing with the issue head on, there will be NO bugs in this freak'n house! Tomorrow we  WILL finish Kate Lynn's room! And by June the painting in the other rooms should be done. I am looking forward to when we can be proud of our home. We  took the place because we had no options, we were tired of being homeless so we chose not be fussy..took the first opportunity we were given. We knew it was no palace and that the people that lived here before us had not cared for the place, we just did not know how bad! In time it will be the home we thought it could be! Tonight we are tired and disgusted! I am hoping that I will sleep!

Projects Galore

I am actually glad it is Friday! This weekend we are hunkering down and staying right at home. We have so many projects that need to be done. Shawn has 2 dressers that he has to refinish for our landlord. We also have 4 rooms and a hallway that need to be painted, walls and trim. I am well aware not all of that will be done in just this weekend! But ... Oh yes, I almost forgot, the bathroom also needs to be painted and the electrical needs to be reran and the new light put in! I love projects!! Shawn and I work well together so it never seems like work. The finished result is usually always worth it! This morning though we are starting out with our morning coffee and I need to do some laundry! I hope all of you have a great weekend!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Busy, Busy

After spending a few hours working on the septic we had to relent and call our landlord  to have him send a professional. The septic guy came and was able to fix it pretty quickly!! Thank the Lord!! During the time we were waiting for him to come we puttered around the house. Shawn mudded a whole bunch of walls, we have to have Kate Lynn's walls all done before Tuesday, when the new carpet is installed. I spent the afternoon completely restoring the coffee table. We were given a fabulous 1950's boomerang table when we moved in here. It had been very poorly refinished, I sanded it down right to its original finish. I thin put 3 layers of clear coat on it, waiting between coats to allow dry time. It came out way better than I could have imagined and I am very proud of it!! Shawn's friend Ricky came by for a visit, so the girls and I took the opportunity to go to the library and grocery shopping. It has been a good day! Tomorrow we start the finishing painting project in Kate Lynn's room. Shawn and I are working to have the house  completely painted inside by the beginning of next month.We presently have no cable, deciding to use the monies to better our living space. We are very excited to see it completed! Now to figure out how to keep the neighbors from coming over to borrow Shawn for their various projects. I told him I am tempted to make him t-shirts that read "for rent". Everyone in the neighborhood knows Mr. Shawn fixes things and they all come by to ask him for a favor!  Right now I am pretty tuckered out after our busy day! I hope you all have a good night!

Septic Take II

I slept incredibly well! Now I am enjoying my coffee before facing the septic issue! It is a pretty cool morning here in Montgomery! It is almost like Summer had jumped ahead and Spring realized it was missed and pushed Summer back so Spring could visit for a few days! This is the May weather I am more familiar with! All though right now we are all walking around with the sniffles! No complaints this morning, despite the septic issue! Not much to update you about this morning1 Hope you all have a good day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Septic Issues Galore

Now that we finally turned on the water, the septic decides to completely back up! Now the front lawn is a mess and despite every effort Shawn and tried it will not unclog! We have been working on at since noon and stopped at around 6:45pm. We are going to have to work on it tomorrow! As my Grandmother would say,"Murphy's law!". Shawn and I shared a bottle of wine and are now sitting to watch a movie! Corey never showed up for his cake last night if he is not here within the next 45 minutes I am having a piece of cake! I hope you all are having a better day than we have had! I am hoping to sleep quite well, after being out in the fresh air all day and then the 2 glasses of wine! Boy, do I need it!

Tossed and Turned

OK, so I take an amazing hot shower before bed and think I will fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. Not quite! I tossed and turned, got up and took a couple Advil, tossed and turned and dozed briefly. At 3 am I realized I was wide awake! By 5am I had the dishes done,the house tidied, the trash out, the pets fed and a pot of coffee brewing! By 6am I had played so many word games on the computer I lost count! Just now I made Kelly a nice breakfast while she got herself ready for school. I suspect by noon I will need toothpicks to keep my eyes open! It is going to be a very long day! Good grief! Well on the brighter note, I saw my first sun rise since moving here to Montgomery! It is looking like it is going to be a beautiful day! I pray you all slept very well! And I hope you all have a very good day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Praise the Lord, we have water! We paid off our bill and they came down this evening and hooked it right up! What a joy it will be to have a nice, hot shower! We have muddled through the past three weeks fairly well, however I am glad to have the water back on! We are working so hard to figure out the best budget, not easy when I am having such a hard time finding work! I will keep plugging away! Tonight Cory, our neighbor and "adoptive kid", is coming over. He turned 20 today and we have cake and ice cream for him. Shawn chose a Sponge Bob cake! It is the very least we can do. It seems that he will not be even getting that from his family, sad! We really like the kid and are only too happy to do this for him! Right now I believe a pot of coffee is in order!


The rain has finally arrived! It has taken a lot of the humidity out of the air and lowered the temperature to a more comfortable level! Shawn and I just went for a walk around the block in the rain! Though our ulterior motive was to see if the mail man was getting closer! We are both pretty restless and anxious! The mail man is just one street over so now we will try to sit patiently!  It is actually a little amusing, the neighborhood we live in, most of the folks are in similar financial situations and there are a number of people waiting on their porches for their mail as well! To get back on topic of the rain, please be in prayer that the folks that were effected by the tornadoes will be provided with tarps. Yesterday it was all over the news, agencies trying to be sure they got donations of tarps. A cute story that we heard this afternoon, searchers were looking through some debris and came across a tub with a litter of healthy German shepherd puppies. Very cute!These sort of stories all ways seem to provide some hope! Kate Lynn has just reported the mail man is just a few houses away, so I am off to get things together, off  to see if we can have our water turned back on!!

Staying in Check

No news of yet on Seth's condition this morning, please just be in prayer! It is a cool and cloudy day here in Montgomery. That is far from a complaint from me! We are waiting on Shawn's checks so that we may have the water and phone turned back on. It has been a difficult past few weeks. We have been staying strong, because when we look at what folks are coping with all over our own state our issues seem so small. Too often we have to get our self in check, it is so easy to become self consumed! By the end of today things should be much improved for us and we are certainly looking forward to that! I pray you all have a good day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Urgent Prayer !

While we were living up in New Hampshire it came to our attention there was a young boy in our community that had a cancer. The cancer started in his knee and has progressively worsened. I have followed his progress from the get go and he is always in my prayers. It breaks my heart to tell you that tonight he is dying. Please, I am asking for all of your prayers for his family. His name is Seth, and it is his mom, dad and 3 sisters. Seth is just a little bit younger than my Kelly. It has been a very long and difficult road. Seth is an extraordinary young man with outstanding faith in God. When God comes and takes him home, his earthly suffering will be over and he will be rejoicing with his Savior. His family  needs prayers for peace, commfort and strength!!

Halfway Out the Window

I just want to elaborate on a little more what on what the morning has been like here! After Kelly arrived home she was obviously in quite an upset mood! Shawn and I tried to reassure her, she just kept asking to go to school! She just wanted to stay busy and not think about how badly things went this morning. I guess she misunderstood Shawn and my intentions. I sort of felt I needed to go talk with her a little more and just the two of us. Good thing I did, as I went into her room she was half way out the window! She had gotten it in her head if we were not taking her to school she was walking. She had just walked at least 6 miles, I guess another 2 did not seem that big a deal. She just did not want to be home dealing with her upset! I reassured her we would be most glad to take her to school, so please and kindly get your body in the window! Shawn dropped her off at school and had been gone just a minute when Kelly called me at home. She was informed the school does not accept late students unless a parent is with them. Poor Shawn gets home and he and I have to go right back! When I get there I am not even asked for ID, or if I am even a parent! I have made it very abundantly clear to the school how dissatisfied we are with the school and that we want ALL of Kelly's records by weeks end! What I wish I could do would be to pull Kelly out of school today and let the kid go to the beach or something fun! It has been a crap day! Today I think we were so hoping to have the solution to a better education opportunity than the one she is in now! Next Monday Kelly will attend the next scheduled orientation and God willing we will have everything sorted out and all the paperwork in hand! Boy does it ever feel like a Monday!


I was overcome by the news, I failed to mention anything about what is going here! Kelly is at her orientation this morning. I am feeling a little anxious, but ...never mind! Shawn just stepped out on the porch and saw Kelly walking down the street. It would seem the school has not sent the transcripts and because she did not have her birth certificate she could not attend this orientation. She can go to next weeks if we get everything all together! I had thought we had it all together, damn schools! The walk from the Job Corp is over an hour walk home, Kelly is pretty upset! I do not blame her at all! This is all very frustrating!


I know you are not supposed to rejoice in some one's death, this morning it is hard not to want to get up and run up and down the street yelling praises! Ten years later and Osama Bin Laden is dead! Justice has been done! Peace to all those families that lost loved ones on 9/11! We stood with you in your grief, today we share your joy knowing that justice has been done! God bless America! What an incredible day! Words can express how I feel this morning! I want to cry with relief and joy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's May

I just realized that today is the 1st of May! I am a little slow on the uptake today! With the weather so different from what I am used to sometimes I forget that it is not quite summer! Just 1 week before Mother's day! Hope you all are making plans! Not a whole lot going on here, dinner and TV with the family. It has cooled off some and it is a very nice night! May have tea on the porch before bed.

Nervous Energy and Brownies

Kelly has been baking homemade brownies all morning! She then decided to take it upon herself to walk clear across town to pick up some groceries that we needed. I do not know what got her so motivated this morning!! Tomorrow is her day of orientation for Job Corp, maybe this is some nervous energy! It is another day of no plans for the rest  of us. Some reading on the porch and a walk later on. The little kids from across the street have been in and out of our house all morning. They are cute, however we need a screen door that locks! I have found if I send them home with ice cream that keeps them settled for a little while! This morning they took off with our deck of cards to play some "Go Fish". They were gone for almost a full hour before returning.
I found this verse and found it so pertinent to what is going all over the place; Job 36:15 But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering. He speaks to them in their affliction.

Not Much

Good morning, it is Sunday and looking like a very hot and humid one here! I do not have to much to write about this morning. I hope you all have a good day! I will check in again later!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Please, Do Not Ignore This Post

Sometimes I miss the obvious! Tonight I am watching the special report on the storm damage and I realize maybe there is something I can do. I have all ready registered online to volunteer to help, but as I was watching the report it dawned on me I can make a plea! For all of you that check out my blog and to my facebook family and friends I am asking if you would consider helping. Every little bit will help! These storms have wiped out towns, erased neighborhoods and devastated families. I am posting the information for the American Red Cross here, all checks can be sent to;
 American Red Cross 5015 Woods Crossing Montgomery,AL 36106 on the memo line write Alabama Tornadoes
If the Red Cross isn't someplace you want to send your donations, please go online and look on, that is the Montgomery news station.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Crisis or Boredom

The day turned out quite hot, yet beautiful! We took walks, read books, sat on the porch and chatted with neighbors to stay busy. My big excitement for this evening is making nachos. Though of late it would seem our options have been a crisis or boredom, I will gladly take boredom! I am trying hard to fend off the nasty cold that Shawn had. Nothing is quite as lousy as a summer cold! I pray you are all well and healthy!

Sunny Saturday

It is looking a beautiful sunny Saturday! I am being beckoned by the dog to go feed her! Besides that there is not one single thing on our agenda! I hope you all have a good weekend!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bieng a little Sarcastic

I never had the knack  for waiting or much for patience. I left a voice mail around 1pm with the guidance office explaining that Kelly needs a copy of her birth! They have not called back and now I am just hoping when I pick up Kelly from school, she will have it in hand! The whole school situation has me quite frustrated. I went for a walk earlier, hoping it would help me to refocus and hoping it would brighten my mood. I have spent the rest of the afternoon reading. It is just Friday and this weekend is shaping up to be as exciting as the last several, note the sarcasm! I wish things would just work out all ready! The disability office hasn't called back yet, though I am not expecting them to do anything other than send a letter at this point! Well, I am off to fill some water jugs at the nearby gas station, that way I can wash some dishes! Joy! Then I am off to pick up Kelly.

Keep Alabama in your Prayers

Still grumpy! I slept quite poorly! I was woken up to the phone call letting me know, Yes Kelly's school records were sent and Yes they have been lost! Thankfully there are copies of the transcripts! This only reaffirms our decision to sign Kelly up for the corp! I just want to update you with the situation here, though you probably have heard allot about it on the news! Wednesday tornadoes were the worst in Alabama's history. This morning the death toll is 210 and is expected to climb. The destruction is unbelievable! I am looking at various ways that I might be able to be involved in the clean up effort. The clean up effort is suspected is expected to take months. There are many basic needs that folks need; clothes, food, water, medical, diapers and of course housing. I ask that you keep Alabama in your prayers! Not sure what our own plans are for this weekend, praying it will be better than the past few! Happy weekend to all of you!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easily Annoyed

Why is it when you are in a good mood it can easily be changed? However if you are in a bad mood nothing can make it go away quickly and will more often than not annoy you even more? Tonight I am grumpy and easily annoyed! I am praying that I will get a good nights sleep and wake up on the happy side of the bed!

Talking to Myself

A couple big rants! Rant one;When we tried to pick up Kelly's school transcripts it appears Lee high school has lost them! In the transcripts was also a copy of Kelly's birth certificate. I am very angry! I have called her old high school in New Hampshire in case they have copies! We may have just lost all of Kelly's school records! I mean, come on! And to make it more of a tick off, Lee's guidance office actually is upset with us for even asking for the transcripts!  Give me a break! Rant two; I called the disability office...again. This time I was told there was no record that they owed Shawn any more money.  We have been told over and over that he was to be paid for the months of October through to December (we even have a letter stating  just that!). At the beginning of April I was told that it was in the process and would be mailed out this month. Now when I follow up it is like I have been having a conversation with myself all these months! I was able to speak with a supervisor and she has sent the  case to the payment center. We are hoping either they will call and say a check has been sent, is being sent or give us a very convincing story on why we are not now going to receive this money. We have spoken to no less than five people that work for Social Security that were all in agreement that Shawn was owed retro monies, now this! Shawn is just about ballistic! I can not even begin to express how frustrated I am! I pray with all of  my heart that God will have this all sorted out before Monday! No I am not giving him a deadline, that is when Kelly is supposed to have all of her paper work together for the Job Corp orientation. Tuesday is the 3rd of May and when Shawn will receive his usual monthly disability check, it would be nice to know that they have gotten their act together and he receive his owed monies! Or you will hear me screaming and hollering all over the place!!!

Feeling Fortunate

It was a very intense ride here! 128 people were killed in Alabama yesterday in the massive out break of tornadoes we had! The storms were the worse they have seen in years here. One tornado was about 1 mile wide and just destroyed a town. Many towns were devastated! We were very fortunate! We had a severe thunder storm around midnight and were under a tornado watch until 2am, thankfully we did not get a tornado here! My prayers and thoughts go out to all those effected!! The weather is much cooler here today! Our big plans for today are to take Kelly for another shot and to pick up her school records. We are trying to have all the papers she will need on Monday for the Job Corp orientation! I hope all of you have a great day! Please, keep those here in the south effected by these tornadoes in your prayers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Sad and Crazy Day

Alabama has been slammed by an incredible amount of very dangerous tornadoes! There have been 25 people confirmed dead and many, many people injured. The weather has just started getting bad here in Montgomery, we have high winds, rain and major lightening. We are prepared to camp out in a central hallway with a mattress over us if need be. Shawn is calmer than the girls and I are, he has been through this before. It has me a bit anxious! We can actually see the storm that is happening to the west of us right now. There is a confirmed tornado there. My prayers are with those all ready affected by the storms and for those of us still waiting! On another note, a sad note; the missing 20 year old mom that was missing in North Conway,NH has been found dead. They found her body in a duck pond close to where her car was found. Our prayers are with her family and friends! What a very sad situation! The person that may have been responsible for her death may have also been responsible for the armed robbery that occurred last night in Conway. What a sad and crazy day! For all of you, I pray you are all safe! I will keep you posted on our situation!