Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Lord ALWAYS Provides!

Praise the Lord the day is good! First off I woke up to NO puppy messes! She made it the whole night, big milestone! And our taxes came in! Yay, it is so much easier to start the car and drive it, rather than push it! We must have glided into the driveway yesterday after Kelly's eye appointment! The first thing we do this morning is go get gas in the truck!Then we can address some bills! Then maybe I can convince Shawn that he and I need at least a lunch, just the two of us this weekend! I am unbelievably thankful! We had not been expecting our taxes so soon, there was a bit of a snafu with them. (No surprise there, right!?) So when I checked our account I woke up the rest of my sleeping brood! It is so easy, even after all we have been through and seen what God has done for us, to forget that he ALWAYS provides!

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