Even among the hardest trials, if at the end of the day we are still a family, It's all good!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Starting over!

Hello! We are the O'Callaghan family from...well! We have lived for the past 9 years in the great White Mountains in NewHampshire and now we are homeless! There are 4 us! Dad, Shawn, mom, Sandra and 2 teenage daughters; Kate Lynn and Kelly. We have actually been homeless before, 8 months in 2002. Things were going along just like they do for most famlies. But in our family sometimes Mental illness changes the course of things. You see Shawn has struggled with Bi Polar and Major depression Disorders. And when things go ,sometimes they go all wrong. Shawn's symptoms flared up and was hospitalized! And there is usually never a good time for that. Shawn has struggled with Mentall Illness his entire life. For those unaware of what Bipolar Disorder is, well for everyone it's different. Shawn struggles with depresson,anxiety,paranoia,suicidal thoughts and during extreme anger; homicidal ideation. (Let me pause right here and just say Shawn has NEVER hurt anyone!)He has made a number of suicide attempts. Hospitalzation keeps him safe, helps him to regroup and looks at his medications. These periods are often very difficult for our famly Our girls have a very clear understanding of the illness, they don't always like the symptoms, but know that their dad loves them very much. Even when he is very sick! After making a go of it in New Hampshire we are trying to see what Things  will be like in Montgomery,Alabama! It's a little scary for the girls, we are all New Englanders! But Shawn lived there and that is where his heart seems happiest. 2 weeks ago we sold everything we own, and I mean everything! Everything else, including 3 cats was loaded up on our 16 year old Suburban!My oldest Daughter, Kate Lynn and I gave up our good jobs and poor Kelly left her sad boyfriend behind. We applied for foodstamp and cash assitance benefits in New Hampshire after Shawns hospitalization , he also lost his job. Due to his illness he has reapplied for disability, as he is unable to work now.We recieved the food stamps, but no cash assitance. We are living by the grace of God. Seriously, without our faith I'm not sure where we would be! We are stayng with Shawn's Parents in Florida. We are waiting to see if Shawns disability or the cash assitance comes in. Then we will go try our luck in Alabama. This is my first blog, I am writing hoping to inspire others as we go along our homeless journey. God never gives us more than we can handle! My prayers are just that!